Starting Equipment
Party Changes: Gogo – 2 shown
Whether this character is initially named, joins the party, or leaves the party at this time; 'Temporary' indicates that a character joins for a short period but does not become a long-term party member
Area Map Notes
Gogo Name Talk to Gogo
Gogo Join Talk to Gogo
Commands: Usable by Gogo – 22 shown
Temporary commands cannot be used by characters that join the party permanently; modified commands replace another command in the command list; utility commands are always available and are not shown on the command list
Some equipment or situations convert one command into another; the required parent command is listed here
Based On
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Fight - - - - -
Jump Fight Physical One Foe - -
Magic - - - - -
X Magic Magic - - - -
Item - - - - -
Steal - Physical One Foe - -
Capture Steal Physical One Foe - -
SwdTech - - - - -
Throw - - - - -
Tools - - - - -
Blitz - - - - -
Runic - Physical Self - Runic
Lore - - - - -
Sketch - Physical One Foe - -
Control Sketch Magic One Foe - Control
Slot - - - - -
GP Rain Slot Physical All Foes - -
Dance - Physical Self - Dance
Rage - - - - -
Mimic - - - - -
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SwdTechs: Usable by Gogo – 8 shown
The level at which Cyan learns this SwdTech if he has not yet earned it in some other manner
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Dispatch 1 1 120 Physical One Random Foe 100% Single attack - -
Retort 6 2 56 Magic Self 100% Single counter attack - -
Slash 12 3 1/2 HP Physical One Random Foe 100% Halves an enemy's HP Wound Seizure
Quadra Slam 15 4 72 Physical One Random Foe 100% 4-stroke attack - -
Empowerer 24 5 49 Magic One Random Foe 100% Absorbs an enemy's HP/MP - -
Stunner 34 6 97 Magic All Foes 100% Multiple attack/casts "Stop" - Stop
Quadra Slice 44 7 70 Physical One Random Foe 100% 4-stroke attack - -
Cleave 70 8 - Magic All Foes 182 Dices up enemies Wound Wound
Thrown Objects: Usable by Gogo – 74 shown
Item Type
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores Defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; normally thrown weapons deal double damage, indicated by a ×2
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
The status effect granted to the target of this ability
Dirk Dirk 26 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 150 GP
MithrilKnife Dirk 30 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 300 GP
Guardian Dirk 59 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Air Lancet Dirk 76 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Wind - 950 GP
ThiefKnife Dirk 88 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Assassin Dirk 106 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Man Eater Dirk 146 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 11,000 GP
SwordBreaker Dirk 164 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 16,000 GP
Graedus Dirk 204 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Pearl - -
Imperial Dirk 82 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Kodachi Dirk 93 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 1,200 GP
Blossom Dirk 112 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Wind - 3,200 GP
Hardened Dirk 121 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Striker Dirk 190 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Stunner Dirk 220 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
MithrilBlade Sword 38 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 450 GP
RegalCutlass Sword 54 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 800 GP
Rune Edge Sword 55 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 7,500 GP
Epee Sword 98 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 3,000 GP
Blizzard Sword 108 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Ice - 7,000 GP
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Tools: Usable by Gogo – 9 shown
Rare items can be stolen from monsters; limited items are usually found as treasure; strange items can be won in the colosseum
If a tool has multiple abilities, they are chosen randomly at the listed rate
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
AutoCrossbow 100% Strikes multiple enemies
Use with "Tools" command
125 Physical All Foes 100% - - - 250 GP
Bio Blaster 100% Gasses multiple enemies
Use with "Tools" command
20 Magic All Foes 100% - Poison Poison 750 GP
NoiseBlaster 100% Confuses multiple enemies
Use with "Tools" command
- Physical All Foes 100% - - Muddled 500 GP
Drill 100% Penetrates an enemy's defense
Use with "Tools" command
191 Physical One Foe 100% - - - 3,000 GP
Flash 100% Blinds multiple enemies
Use with "Tools" command
42 Magic All Foes 100% - - Dark 1,000 GP
Chain Saw 3/4 Randomly dispatches an enemy
Use with "Tools" command
252 Physical One Foe 100% - - - -
Chain Saw 1/4 Randomly dispatches an enemy
Use with "Tools" command
- Physical One Foe 100% Wound - Wound -
Debilitator 100% Casts weak point randomly
Use with "Tools" command
- Physical One Foe 100% - - - 5,000 GP
Air Anchor 100% Enemy becomes self-destructive
Use with "Tools" command
128 Physical One Foe 100% Wound - - -
Blitzes: Usable by Gogo – 8 shown
Quested blitzes can be learned from sidequests in addition to by leveling
The level at which Sabin learns this Blitz if he has not yet earned it in some other manner
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Description Elements Notes
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Pummel 1 Left Right Left 110 Physical One Random Foe 100% Cuts through an enemy's defenses - - -
AuraBolt 6 Down Down-left Left 68 Magic One Random Foe 100% Mystical purity slams an enemy Pearl - -
Suplex 10 X Y Down Up 180 Physical One Random Foe 100% Puts the drop on an enemy - - -
Fire Dance 15 Left Down-left Down Down-right Right 42 Magic All Foes 100% Fire-attack slams enemies Fire Full damage to all targets -
Mantra 23 R L R L X Y - Magic All Allies 100% Refreshes other party members - - Dark, Poison, Mute, Seizure
Air Blade 30 Up Up-right Right Down-right Down Down-left Left 78 Magic All Foes 100% Wind-attack slams enemies Wind Full damage to all targets -
Spiraler 42 R L X Y Right Left 200 Magic All Allies 100% Recovers party at own expense - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop, Freeze
Bum Rush 70 Left Up-left Up Up-right Right Down-right Down Down-left Left 128 Magic One Random Foe 100% Strikes a mortal blow - - -
Lores: Usable by Gogo – 24 shown
World of Ruin lores are used by monsters in the World of Ruin; unique monster lores are used only by specific unique creatures; special monster lores are used only certain powerful creatures; some lores can be learned in other ways via the use of special abilities
MP Description
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Condemned 20 Begins Doom countdown One Foe - 100% Wound - Condemned -
Roulette 10 Begins Doom roulette One Random Ally or Foe - 100% Wound - Wound -
CleanSweep 30 Water-elemental damage All Foes 50 150 - Water - Full damage to all targets
Aqua Rake 22 Wind/Water elemental damage All Foes 71 150 - Water, Wind - -
Aero 41 Wind-elemental damage All Foes 125 150 - Wind - -
Blow Fish 50 1000 damage One Foe - 100% - - - -
Big Guard 80 Casts Shell/Safe on party All Allies - 100% - - Shell, Safe -
Revenge 31 HP lowering attack One Foe - 100% - - - -
Pearl Wind 45 Use own HP to help party All Allies - 100% - - - -
L.5 Doom 22 Casts "Doom" on LV5, 10, 15, ... enemy All Foes - 100% Wound - Wound -
L.4 Flare 42 Casts "Flare" on LV2, 4, 6, ... enemy All Foes 66 100% - - - Full damage to all targets
L.3 Muddle 28 Casts "Muddle" on LV3, 6, 9, ... enemy All Foes - 100% - - Muddled -
Reflect??? - Status attack on wall-protected enemy All Foes - 100% - - Dark, Mute, Slow -
L? Pearl 50 Pearl attack on LV ? Enemy All Foes 120 100% - Pearl - -
Step Mine 1 Damage in proportion to # of steps One Foe 32 100% - - - -
ForceField 24 Throws up anti-elemental barrier All Allies and Foes - 100% - - - -
Dischord 68 Cuts enemy's level by 1/2 One Foe - 100 Wound - - -
Sour Mouth 32 Inflicts status ailment on an enemy One Foe - 100 - - Dark, Poison, Imp, Mute, Muddled, Psyche -
Pep Up 1 Uses own HP to save the party One Ally 16 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Petrify, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Rippler 66 Switches status with an enemy's One Foe - 111 - - - -
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Slots: Usable by Gogo – 7 shown
Advanced combinations are powerful but the game may sometimes prevent their combination; the good and bad versions of Joker Doom have opposed effects; non-combinations are used when no combination is found
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Sun Flare 3 Dragons 92 Magic All Foes 100% - - -
Chocobop 3 Chocobos 36 Magic All Foes 100% Float - Full damage to all targets
H-Bomb 3 Airships 130 Magic All Foes 100% - - -
Joker Doom 7-7-Bar - Magic All Allies 100% - - -
Joker Doom 3 7's - Magic All Foes 100% - - -
7-Flush 3 Diamonds 84 Magic All Foes 100% - - -
Lagomorph Any wrong 10 Magic All Allies 100% - Dark, Poison, Psyche -
Dance Moves: Usable by Gogo – 32 shown
World of Balance dances cannot be obtained in the World of Ruin, and World of Ruin dances cannot be obtained in the World of Balance
Dance moves are always shown in purple to differentiate them from other abilities
If you perform a dance in the wrong terrain, there is a 50% chance of stumbling instead of beginning the dance; if the dance begins, the terrain graphic changes; Mog will learn a dance if you win a battle in a terrain for a dance he does not yet know
Once a dance has successfully begun, a random move from that dance will be chosen each turn at the listed probabilities
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Wind Song Plasma Plains 2/16 Magic One Foe 70 100% - Thunder - -
Wind Song Sun Bath Plains 6/16 Magic All Allies 50 100% - - - -
Wind Song Wind Slash Plains 7/16 Magic All Foes 48 100% - Wind - Full damage to all targets
Wind Song Cockatrice Plains 1/16 Magic One Foe 50 96 Wound - Petrify -
Forest Suite Elf Fire Forest 2/16 Magic One Foe 72 100% - Fire - -
Forest Suite Harvester Forest 6/16 Magic All Allies - 100% - - Dark, Poison, Petrify, Mute, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Forest Suite Rage Forest 7/16 Magic All Foes 50 100% - - - Full damage to all targets
Forest Suite Wombat Forest 1/16 Magic One Foe 88 100% Float - - -
Desert Aria Kitty Desert 1/16 Magic All Allies - 100% - - Haste -
Desert Aria Wind Slash Desert 2/16 Magic All Foes 48 100% - Wind - Full damage to all targets
Desert Aria Sand Storm Desert 7/16 Magic All Foes 45 100 - Wind - Full damage to all targets
Desert Aria Antlion Desert 6/16 Magic One Foe - 100 Wound, Stamina - Wound -
Love Sonata Elf Fire Town 7/16 Magic One Foe 72 100% - Fire - -
Love Sonata Snare Town 2/16 Magic One Foe - 100 Wound, Stamina - Wound -
Love Sonata Specter Town 6/16 Magic One Foe - 120 - - Muddled -
Love Sonata Tapir Town 1/16 Magic All Allies - 100% - - Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop -
Earth Blues Land Slide Mountain 7/16 Magic One Foe 65 100% - - - -
Earth Blues Whump Mountain 1/16 Magic One Foe 53 100% Float - - -
Earth Blues Sun Bath Mountain 2/16 Magic All Allies 50 100% - - - -
Earth Blues Sonic Boom Mountain 6/16 Magic One Foe 5/8 HP 100% Wound - Seizure -
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Rages: Usable by Gogo – 252 shown
World of Ruin rages cannot be learned in the World of Balance; unique monster rages are learned from monsters found as set encounters or treasure guardians (but not in random battles); legendary dragon rages are based on unique monsters that are found in the World of Ruin
While using a rage ability, the monster's elemental properties become active; any conflicts with elemental properties of armor or relics are resolved in favor of better elemental defense
While using a rage ability, the monster's status effects and immunities are applied
Other special properties inherited from this monster
Each turn there is a 50% chance of a normal attack and a 50% chance of the attack listed here; special attacks are handled like modified normal attacks
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
The effect of this special attack or base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage or healing it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores Defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; fractional damage is based on current HP or MP values and always ignores Defense; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging attacks are indicated by their text color
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
Special circumstances that allow this ability to be resisted; mouse over the terms to learn more
Ability Elements
The status effects inflicted or removed by this ability
Ability Statuses
Guard Weak pt: Poison - Human Critical One Foe Battle ×1.5 - - - - -
Soldier Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Dark, Psyche Human Fire One/All Foes 21 150 Reflect, Runic Fire - -
Templar Weak pt: Poison Safe Human Fire 2 One/All Foes 60 150 Reflect, Runic Fire - -
Ninja Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Thunder, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Petrify, Near Fatal, Muddled, Seizure, Psyche, Slow, Stop
Human Water Edge All Foes 100 100% - Water - -
Samurai Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Image Human Lullaby All Foes - 90 - - Psyche -
Orog Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Human, Undead Pearl One Foe 108 150 Reflect, Runic Pearl - -
Mag Roader Absorb HP: Ice
Weak pt: Fire
Prevent: Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Muddled, Psyche
- Bio One/All Foes 53 120 Reflect, Runic Poison Poison -
Retainer Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Dark, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Muddled, Psyche Human Shock All Foes 128 100% - - - -
Hazer Weak pt: Pearl Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Wound, Condemned Human, Wound at 0 MP Bolt 2 One/All Foes 61 150 Reflect, Runic Thunder - -
Dahling Weak pt: Poison Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Wound, Condemned, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche Human, Wound at 0 MP Cure 2 One/All Allies 28 - Reflect, Runic - - -
Rain Man Weak pt: Ice, Water, Pearl Float
Prevent: Zombie, Imp, Petrify, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Psyche, Clear
Human, Wound at 0 MP Bolt 3 One/All Foes 120 150 Reflect, Runic Thunder - -
Brawler Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Ice
Prevent: Poison
Human Stone One/All Foes 40 75 - - Muddled -
Apokryphos Weak pt: Thunder, Water, Pearl Prevent: Zombie, Poison, Imp, Condemned, Near Fatal, Berserk, Muddled Wound at 0 MP L.3 Muddle All Foes - 100% - - Muddled -
Dark Force Weak pt: Pearl Prevent: Imp, Near Fatal, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Psyche, Stop Human, Wound at 0 MP CleanSweep All Foes 50 150 - Water - Full damage to all targets
Whisper Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Seizure, Float
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche
Undead Demi One Foe 1/2 HP 120 Runic, Wound, Stamina - - -
Over-Mind Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead Elf Fire One Foe 72 100% - Fire - -
Osteosaur Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire, Pearl
Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison, Imp, Petrify, Mute, Berserk, Psyche Undead, Wound at 0 MP X-Zone All Foes - 85 Runic, Wound, Stamina - - -
Commander Weak pt: Poison - Human Break One Foe - 120 Reflect, Runic, Wound, Stamina - Petrify -
Rhodox - Prevent: Dark, Mute, Berserk - Snare One Foe - 100 Wound, Stamina - Wound -
Were-Rat Absorb HP: Poison
Weak pt: Fire
Prevent: Dark, Psyche - Poison One Foe 25 100 Reflect, Runic Poison Poison -
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Weapons: Usable by Gogo – 19 shown
Rare weapons can be stolen from monsters; unique weapons are usually found as treasure; legendary weapons are dropped by the legendary dragons; strange weapons can be won in the colosseum; ancient weapons are held by the statues; ultimate weapons are the most powerful in the game; starting weapons are owned by certain characters but cannot be otherwise found
Type Bat.Pwr
A 100% Hit Rate indicates that the weapon will not miss regardless of the target's MBlock%
Hit Rate
When you attack with this weapon, there is a 1/4 chance that it will use this spell for 0 MP with a 100% Hit Rate on the same target after the attack; spell damage is affected by row and Jump status; weapons that deal automatic critical hits will deal critical damage with this spell; the spell is not subject to Reflect or the Runic command
Any special battle effects this weapon has
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Vigor Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr Price Value
If used as an item in combat, this item is lost but has the effect of the listed ability; this ability maximizes damage and ignores defense and environment factors
Item Use
The elemental nature of attacks made with this weapon
Certain commands or abilities require weapons with a specific trait to operate
Used With
The characters that can normally equip this item; the Merit Award will expand a character's item selections
Used By
(Dirk)Dirk Dirk 26 180 - - - - - - - - - 150 GP 75 GP - - Runic, 2-hand, Throw Te Lo Sh Ed Ce St Re Se Mo Go
(Dirk)MithrilKnife Dirk 30 180 - - - - - - - - - 300 GP 150 GP - - Runic, 2-hand, Throw Te Lo Sh Ed Ce St Re Se Mo Go
(Dirk)Air Lancet Dirk 76 180 Wind-elemental - - - - - - - - 950 GP 475 GP - Wind Runic, 2-hand, Throw Lo St Re Go
(Dirk)Man Eater Dirk 146 180 Doubles damage to a human target - - - 10 - - - - 11,000 GP 5,500 GP - - Runic, 2-hand, Throw Te Lo Sh Ed Ce St Re Se Go
(Dirk)SwordBreaker Dirk 164 180 Randomly evades an enemy's attack - - 30 - - - - - 16,000 GP 8,000 GP - - SwdTech, Runic, 2-hand, Throw Lo Sh St Re Go
(Dirk)Graedus Dirk 204 180 Pearl-elemental - - 10 - - - - - - 1 GP - Pearl SwdTech, Runic, 2-hand, Throw Te Lo Sh Ed Ce St Re Se Mo Go
(Lance)Imp Halberd Lance 253 150 ??? if equipped while an Imp - - - - - - - - - 1 GP - - Runic, 2-hand, Throw All Except Umaro
(Rod)Mithril Rod Rod 60 135 - - - - - - - - +2 500 GP 250 GP - - 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Fire Rod Rod 79 135 Casts "Fire 2" when used as an item, and breaks Fire 2 - - - - - - - 3,000 GP 1,500 GP Fire 2 Fire 2-hand St Re Go
(Rod)Ice Rod Rod 79 135 Casts "Ice 2" when used as an item, and breaks Ice 2 - - - - - - - 3,000 GP 1,500 GP Ice 2 Ice 2-hand St Re Go
(Rod)Thunder Rod Rod 79 135 Casts "Bolt 2" when used as an item, and breaks Bolt 2 - - - - - - - 3,000 GP 1,500 GP Bolt 2 Thunder 2-hand St Re Go
(Rod)Poison Rod Rod 86 135 Casts "Poison" when used as an item, and breaks Poison - - - - - - - 1,500 GP 750 GP Poison Poison 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Punisher Rod 111 150 Uses MP to inflict mortal blow - MP Critical - - - - - - - 1 GP - - 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Gravity Rod Rod 120 135 Casts "Quartr" when used as an item, and breaks Quartr - - - - - - - 13,000 GP 6,500 GP Quartr Earth 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Pearl Rod Rod 124 135 Casts "Pearl" when used as an item, and breaks Pearl - - - - - - - 12,000 GP 6,000 GP Pearl Pearl 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Magus Rod Rod 168 135 Mag Pwr up - - - 30 - - - +7 - 1 GP - - Runic, 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Rod)Heal Rod Rod 200 100% Recovers target's HP - Always Hits, Heals, Heals Undead - - - - - - - 1 GP - - 2-hand, Throw St Re Go
(Special)Flail Special 86 150 Same damage from back row - Back Row - - - - - - 2,000 GP 1,000 GP - - 2-hand Te Ce St Re Go
(Special)Morning Star Special 109 150 Same damage from back row - Back Row - - - - - - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - 2-hand Te Ce St Re Go
Armors: Usable by Gogo – 35 shown
Rare armor can be stolen from monsters; unique armor is usually found as treasure; strange armor can be won in the colosseum; ultimate armor is the most powerful in the game; starting armor is owned by certain characters but cannot be otherwise found
Type Defense
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Description Vigor Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr Price Value
If used as an item in combat, this item is lost but has the effect of the listed ability; this ability maximizes damage and ignores defense and environment factors
Item Use
The item teaches the listed spell at the listed rate in the same manner as an equipped esper
The elemental protections and weaknesses offered when equipping this item
The status effects removed by this item
The characters that can normally equip this item; the Merit Award will expand a character's item selections
Used By
(Shield)Force Shld Shield - - 70 50 Protects against magic attacks - - - - - 1 GP - Shell ×5 50% Dmg: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Wind, Earth Shell All Except Umaro
(Shield)Buckler Shield 16 10 10 - - - - - - 200 GP 100 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Shield)Mithril Shld Shield 27 10 18 - - - - - - 1,200 GP 600 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Shield)Flame Shld Shield 41 20 28 10 Absorbs Fire-elemental attack - - - - - 1 GP Fire 3 Fire 2 ×5 Absorb HP: Fire
No Effect: Ice
Weak pt: Water
- All Except Umaro
(Shield)Ice Shld Shield 42 20 28 10 Absorbs Ice-elemental attack - - - - - 1 GP Ice 3 Ice 2 ×5 Absorb HP: Ice
No Effect: Fire
Weak pt: Wind
- All Except Umaro
(Shield)Thunder Shld Shield 43 20 28 10 Absorbs Thunder-elemental attack - - - - - 1 GP Bolt 3 Bolt 2 ×5 50% Dmg: Fire, Ice
Absorb HP: Thunder
No Effect: Wind
- All Except Umaro
(Shield)Aegis Shld Shield 46 20 52 40 Randomly evades magic attack - - - - - 1 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Shield)Genji Shld Shield 54 20 50 20 - - - - - - 1 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Shield)Paladin Shld Shield 59 40 59 40 Houses a hero's soul - - - - - 1 GP - Ultima ×1 Absorb HP: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Pearl
No Effect: Water, Wind, Earth, Poison
- All Except Umaro
(Shield)TortoiseShld Shield 66 30 66 30 ??? if equipped while an Imp - - - - - 1 GP - Imp ×1 Absorb HP: Water - All Except Umaro
(Shield)Cursed Shld Shield - - - - Is cursed −7 −7 −7 −7 - 1 GP - - Weak pt: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Earth, Poison Condemned, Mute, Berserk, Muddled, Seizure All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Leather Hat Helmet 11 - 7 - - - - - - - 25 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Plumed Hat Helmet 14 - 9 - - - - - - 250 GP 125 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Magus Hat Helmet 15 - 16 - - - - - +5 600 GP 300 GP - - - - Te Ce St Re Mo Go
(Helmet)Bard's Hat Helmet 19 - 21 10 Raises MP a little - - - - 3,000 GP 1,500 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Green Beret Helmet 19 10 13 - Raises HP a little - - - - 3,000 GP 1,500 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Mithril Helm Helmet 20 - 13 - - - - - - 2,000 GP 1,000 GP - - - - Te Lo Cy Sh Ed Ce Se Ga Go
(Helmet)Red Cap Helmet 24 - 17 - Raises HP by 1/4 +4 +3 +2 - - 1 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Circlet Helmet 25 - 19 - - +2 +1 +3 +4 7,000 GP 3,500 GP - - - - All Except Umaro
(Helmet)Dark Hood Helmet 26 - 17 - - - - - - 7,500 GP 3,750 GP - - - - Lo Sh Sa Mo Ga Go
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Relics: Usable by Gogo – 50 shown
Rare relics can be stolen from monsters; unique relics are usually found as treasure; strange relics can be won in the colosseum
The status effects removed by this item
The item teaches the listed spell at the listed rate in the same manner as an equipped esper
Price Value Defense
Evade % is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
Due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
Vigor Speed Stamina Mag.Pwr
The elemental protections and weaknesses offered when equipping this item
The characters that can normally equip this item; the Merit Award will expand a character's item selections
Used By
(Relic)Amulet Protects against "Poison", "Dark", "Zombie" Prevent: Dark, Zombie, Poison - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Atlas Armlet Raises fight damage - - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Back Guard Evades "Back attack" and "Pincer attack" - - 7,000 GP 3,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Barrier Ring Casts "Shell" when HP is low Shell - 500 GP 250 GP - - - - - - - +2 - All Characters
(Relic)Beads Randomly evades enemies' attack - - 4,000 GP 2,000 GP - 20 - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Black Belt Randomly counterattacks when attacked - - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Charm Bangle Encounters fewer random enemies - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Cherub Down Casts "Float" Float - 6,300 GP 3,150 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Coin Toss Changes "Slot" into "GP Rain" - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - Se Go
(Relic)Crystal Orb Raises MP by 1/2 - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Cure Ring Casts "Regen" Regen - 8,000 GP 4,000 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Cursed Ring Is cursed Condemned X-Zone ×5 - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Dragon Horn Makes "Jump" continuous - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Except Umaro
(Relic)DragoonBoots Changes "Fight" into "Jump" - - 9,000 GP 4,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Except Umaro
(Relic)Earrings Raises magic damage
More powerful if paired
- - 5,000 GP 2,500 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Economizer Cuts MP consumed to 1 - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Except Umaro
(Relic)Exp. Egg Doubles obtained Exp. - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)Fairy Ring Protects against "Poison", "Dark" Prevent: Dark, Poison - 1,500 GP 750 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
(Relic)FakeMustache Changes "Sketch" into "Control" - - - 1 GP - - - - - - - - - Re Go
(Relic)Gale Hairpin Raises "Preemptive attack" rate - - 8,000 GP 4,000 GP - - - - - - - - - All Characters
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