Gamer Corner Guides

Welcome to Gamer Corner Guides! This site contains table-based guides to the contents and mechanics of several games, mostly of the Final Fantasy series. It is regularly being updated with new content or features. If there's something you would like to see—an interface option, a new guide, anything—let me know!

A comprehensive guide to the classes, monsters, mechanics, and more of the original Final Fantasy. Learn everything there is to know about this classic NES RPG, available on the NES Classic!

Based on the NES guide, this guide covers the Origins remake of the original Final Fantasy. With updated names and fixed mechanics, this guide has you covered for the updated version of this classic.

The most comprehensive guide on the internet for Final Fantasy II, or your money back! Along with complete information on the game, this guide lays bare its mechanics and reveals how everything is supposed to work.

A complete guide to this forgotten classic, including a breakdown of battle mechanics and the original job system. Not to be confused with the SNES game of the same name (that's actually Final Fantasy VI).

A guide to the game that earned the series its reputation for stunning presentation. Covers the PlayStation Chronicles release, a more complete version of the stripped-down SNES/Virtual Console version (called Final Fantasy II).

A guide to finding and using every item, rage, lore, and secret in Final Fantasy VI (a.k.a. Final Fantasy III). This is one of my favorite games of all time, and this guide should tell you anything you'll want to know.

A guide to finding everything in Final Fantasy VII, no matter what you're looking for. Enjoy the original while you wait for the remakes!

A guide featuring a detailed look at the mechanics of the junction system. Optimize your characters like never before using the Junction Workshop. Includes a complete walkthrough, bestiary, and more!

This guide features a detailed walkthrough, but the real prize is the complete breakdown of the upgrade system. Learn exactly which components have what effects on which weapons, where to find them, and more!

This guide features detailed crystarium information for Noel, Serah, and tamed monsters, in addition to information on all the items, weapons, and accessories in the game.

A guide to everything there is to find in FFATB, where to find it, and what you have to kill to get it.

Learn all there is to know about the songs, characters, and abilities in this 3DS rhythm game. Unlock characters to create the perfect party for Story, Challenge, or the Chaos Shrine!

The game that started it all! Unless you count Akalabeth. Learn the mechanics behind this classic in its original format, and defeat Mondain!

A guide to the world and mechanics of the PC remake of the original Ultima. Includes notes on the various bugs that will explain away some of the oddness of your quest. (Not the whole space ace thing, though.)

A guide to the strangest game in the Ultima series. Learn all about the interesting planets, dungeons, and towers that you have no reason to ever explore!

Before Ultima was really Ultima, it was a generic D&D ripoff. This is the first of those games that is also a well-constructed RPG. Learn the secrets of how to defeat Exodus—and what Exodus actually is.

A guide to the first game in the Dragon Quest series. This guide features annotated maps of every area and covers all the monsters and items in the game.

The classic SNES game was recently released on the Virtual Console, and I made this guide in celebration. Learn where to find everything, how to learn every Combo Tech, and more.

Find everything in this forgotten Zelda clone for the Sega Master System: every bible, every life potion, and every gear upgrade required to take down Golvellius and rescue the Princess!

The Mass Effect 2 guide is focused more on comprehensive lists than mechanical breakdowns. It's the guide that inspired the checklist feature. Give checklists a try!

The classic that introduced Castlevania to Metroid-style gameplay is covered here in full. You'll find interactive maps, tables of where to find everything in the game, combat mechanic breakdowns, secrets and special attacks, and more.