Set Encounters: In World Map – 14 shown
Limited encounters never appear as random encounters; bosses are involved in important plot fights; special bosses and the final bosses are specifically called out as well; super bosses represent the greatest challenge in the game; Battle Square encounters only appear in the Battle Square; chocobo encounters only appear in certain areas when using a Chocobo Lure and can be caught
Screen Details
The range of levels of monsters in this encounter
In a pincer attack, your party is surrounded; in a side attack, your party surrounds the enemies; in a back attack, the enemy attacks from behind
A factor indicating how hard it is to run from a battle; for example, it will generally take twice as long to run from a battle with a ×2 run difficulty than one with a ×1 run difficulty
Run Difficulty
Dragon Nibel Area Fought with Sephiroth and young Cloud during Cloud's flashback 32 900 110 1,400 gil Normal Battle Can't Run
Midgar Zolom Grasslands Area Fought if it catches up to you in the swamp 26 250 25 400 gil Normal Battle ×3
Diamond Weapon Midgar Area Walk into Weapon as it approaches Midgar after taking Bugenhagen to the Forgotten Capital 49 35,000 3,500 25,000 gil Normal Battle Can't Run
Emerald Weapon Underwater Ram into Emerald Weapon with the Shinra submarine 99 50,000 50,000 50,000 gil Normal Battle ×3
Ultimate Weapon (Flying) Junon Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an aerial battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Flying) Mideel Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an aerial battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Flying) Nibel Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an aerial battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Flying) Corel Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an aerial battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Grounded) Gongaga Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an ground battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Grounded) Junon Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an ground battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Grounded) Midgar Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an ground battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Grounded) Icicle Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for an ground battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 - - - Normal Battle Can't Run
Ultimate Weapon (Final Battle) Cosmo Area Ram into Ultimate Weapon with the Highwind when it stops for a final aerial battle (after defeating Diamond Weapon) 61 35,000 3,500 25,000 gil Normal Battle Can't Run
Ruby Weapon Gold Saucer Area Ram into the red object near the Gold Saucer with the Highwind (after defeating Ultimate Weapon) 37–59 45,000 50,000 30,000 gil Pincer Attack ×3