Appears on
Dungeon/Tower Level 12–15
Uses sleep spell (you cannot do anything)
As they are elsewhere, Balrons are the most dangerous Creature you'll find in dungeons or towers. Aside from their very high HP totals, Balrons have a sleep spell similar to the one they use on overhead maps. Unfortunately, Green Idols don't prevent this one. They can't really swarm you, since there can only be two monsters per dungeon level, but they are still very dangerous. If you have Prayer or Kill Spells, this is the time to use them. Fortunately Balrons only appear on the last four levels of a dungeon or tower.
Dungeon Levels 9–10
Other Versions
Devil, Orcus
Dungeon Level 06–08
Poison spell
Status Inflicted
Balrons are tied for the most experience given in the game, and for good reason. Aside from just being generally powerful, they can poison your characters with a spell. You'll find them in Ambrosia and Castle Fire as well as the lowest levels (06 and beyond) of dungeons.