Dungeon Levels 9–10

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Uses sleep spell (range 2, you cannot do anything)
Balrons are the nastiest enemies in the game, but you'll see them only rarely. They represent the most well-represented Creature type in the horde in the era of Legends. While these Balrons deal a lot less damage than Guards (or the Balrons in Shadow Guard), their ability to put you to sleep makes them incredibly dangerous in groups of any size. With a range of 2, it's very difficult to avoid having several Balrons putting you to sleep at once.
Due to the increase in damage, the Balrons in Shadow Guard are without question the most dangerous Creatures in the game. To make matters worse, one is completely invincible. Unless you have a ton of HP to spare, you're better off using Strange Coins to Negate time and trap them in side rooms.
Due to the increase in damage, the Balrons in Shadow Guard are without question the most dangerous Creatures in the game. To make matters worse, one is completely invincible. Unless you have a ton of HP to spare, you're better off using Strange Coins to Negate time and trap them in side rooms.

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Dungeon/Tower Level 12–15
Uses sleep spell (you cannot do anything)
As they are elsewhere, Balrons are the most dangerous Creature you'll find in dungeons or towers. Aside from their very high HP totals, Balrons have a sleep spell similar to the one they use on overhead maps. Unfortunately, Green Idols don't prevent this one. They can't really swarm you, since there can only be two monsters per dungeon level, but they are still very dangerous. If you have Prayer or Kill Spells, this is the time to use them. Fortunately Balrons only appear on the last four levels of a dungeon or tower.

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Uses arm paralysis (range 2, you cannot attack)
Devils are encountered only rarely on the overworld map, though you'll see a number in horde of monsters in the era of Legends. Like Daemons, they have a paralysis ability, only this one prevents Attacks rather than movement. You can still use other abilities, for what that's worth.
Devils have a lot of HP and thus deal significant damage. Combined with their arm paralysis, they are fairly dangerous foes.
Devils have a lot of HP and thus deal significant damage. Combined with their arm paralysis, they are fairly dangerous foes.