Ultima III: Exodus Walkthrough
Ultima III is the first game in the series featuring a more than passingly involved plot. You'll need to explore, backtrack, and search the world for clues. However, like many Ultima games, you can skip past much of the plot if you already know what to do. This walkthrough does not cover the fastest possible way to beat the game. Rather, it will walk you through the game based on the assumption that you only know what you've learned during gameplay.
- Start by forming a party of four members. You can use less than four, but there is no advantage in doing so (and contrary to the manual's claim, you cannot recruit other party members).
- Visit the Castle of Lord British and Britain to gather clues and gear before setting out on your quest.
- Collect more clues and equipment in the other mainland townes of Yew, Moon, Grey, and the twin Montors.
- Use Moongates to reach Devil Guard, where you learn of the Dungeon of Fire and the various marks you need to complete the game.
- Explore a dungeon to find the Mark of Kings; it can be found most easily in the Perinian depths or Dardin's Pit, but may also be found in the Mines of Morinia, the Dungeon of the Snake, or the Dungeon of Time. (Note that, with the exception of the Mark of Snake, you will need to have each party member individually collect each mark in turn.)
- Enter the Dungeon of Fire to earn the Mark of Fire and the Mark of Force.
- Alternately, you can also find the Mark of Fire in the Mines of Morinia or the Perinian depths.
- Likewise, you can elect to search for the Mark of Force in the dungeon Doom instead.
- Use the Mark of Fire to reach the Jester in the Castle of Lord British who gives you the precise location of Dawn.
- Commandeer a Ship and search the islands of the coast of Sosaria and dig for the Exotic Arms and Exotic Armour.
- In the island towne of Fawn you learn that you must pray in the Circle of Light in Yew to learn the Invocation that will allow you past the Silver Snake.
- Allow your ship to enter the whirlpool to reach Ambrosia, where you can use the shrines to increase your characters' stats, and search them to find the four cards.
- Delve the Dungeon of the Snake to obtain the Mark of Snake.
- Find the Lord of Time on the bottom level of the Dungeon of Time to learn the proper order to insert the four cards: Love, Sol, Moons, then Death.
- Have a character with the Mark of Snake Yell "evocare" to bypass the Silver Snake.
- Enter Castle Fire and make your way to the four panels, then insert the four cards in the correct order to destroy Exodus once and for all!