
Thieves on land don't steal from you like Thieves in dungeons, but they do deal surprising damage. They have very low HP, a combination which makes them primary targets when they appear.
Thieves in dungeons don't deal a lot of damage, but they steal Weapons whenever they hit you. The stolen Weapon is always the lowest-tier Weapon you are holding, aside from the one you have equipped. As such, this is rarely a problem unless you keep magic-boosting Weapons (and not much else) in reserve.
Dungeon Levels 1–2
Steals your lowest-tier unequipped weapon instead of dealing damage when it hits (deals damage normally if there's nothing to steal)
Thieves in dungeons don't deal a lot of damage, but they steal Weapons whenever they hit you. The stolen Weapon is always the lowest-tier Weapon you are holding, aside from the one you have equipped. As such, this is rarely a problem unless you keep magic-boosting Weapons (and not much else) in reserve.

Other Versions
Cutpurse, Brigand
May pilfer weapons or armour (not equipped)
Thieves are annoying overworld enemies, because they will steal Weapons and Armour from your characters. They can't steal anything you have equipped, but if you carry a melee Weapon and a ranged Weapon they can steal the backup. Even if not, equipment sells for a lot of money in Ultima III and it sucks to lose it.
You won't generally be attacked by Thieves in townes, with one exception. If you enter the small treasure room in southeast Grey, a Thief will attack and make it difficult to safely leave the town.
You won't generally be attacked by Thieves in townes, with one exception. If you enter the small treasure room in southeast Grey, a Thief will attack and make it difficult to safely leave the town.