Monster Abilities: Shoot-Elemental – 77 shown
Basic abilities are not called out by name when used; some abilities are used as basic abilities only by certain monsters
The damage calculation of the ability; P or M represent the user's physical or magic base damage, which is based on their Attack/Magic atk and Level; damage based on P or M is reduced by 1/3 when used against multiple targets; HP or MP are those of the target of the ability; abilities marked with an asterisk (*) use special damage formulas; a dagger (†) indicates the ability ignores Defense/Magic def; healing, MP restoration, HP draining, and MP draining or damaging abilities are indicated by their text color
Base Damage
Attack% Type Target Element
The status effects that can be inflicted or removed by this ability, and the chance of success if it is not assured
Special Properties
AB Cannon - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot Add: Sleep (27%) -
Abnormal Breath 20 M 100% Magic One/all enemies Shoot Add: Poison -
Abnormal Shell - 25%×P 100% Physical One/all enemies Shoot Add: Slow, Darkness -
Aux Artillery - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Beak - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Beam Cannon 32 125%×M 100% Magic All enemies Shoot - -
Beam Gun - 112.5%×P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Big Bomber - 312.5%×P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Big Breath 20 M 100% Magic One/all enemies Shoot - -
Big Hand Clash - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Bio Gas 15 M 100% Magic One enemy Shoot Add: Poison -
Body Tail - P 100% Physical One/all enemies Shoot - -
Bodyblow - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Bone - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot Add: Paralyzed -
C Cannon - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot Add: Poison (27%) -
Cross Scissor - P 100% Physical One enemy Shoot - -
Dark Dragon Breath 20 125%×M 100% Magic One/all enemies Shoot Add: Darkness (78%) -
Dragon Cannon - P 100% Physical All enemies Shoot - -
Dual Wing Fire - P 100% Physical One/all enemies Shoot - -
Erupt - P 80% Physical One enemy Shoot Add: Darkness (27%) -
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Weapons: Shoot-Elemental – 38 shown
Rare weapons can only be found at specific points during the game; ultimate weapons have special properties that can multiply their damage to extreme levels; starting weapons cannot be re-obtained if sold or lost
Character Attack Attack% Magic
The growth of materia slots is categorized by color: ⦿×1, ⦿×2, ⦿×3, and ⦾×0.
Materia Slots
AP Growth Range Effects Price Value
4-point Shuriken Yuffie 23 100% 6 ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - - 300 gil
A·M Cannon Barret 77 103% 16 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 18,000 gil 9,000 gil
Assault Gun Barret 17 98% 1 ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 350 gil 175 gil
Boomerang Yuffie 30 101% 7 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 1,400 gil 700 gil
Buntline Vincent 48 124% 18 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×2 Long - 6,800 gil 3,400 gil
Conformer Yuffie 96 112% 42 ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ - Long Damage is multiplied by target's Level/16 - 1 gil
Crystal Cross Yuffie 74 110% 18 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 18,000 gil 9,000 gil
Death Penalty Vincent 99 115% 34 ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ - Long Damage is multiplied by 5/8 plus Vincent's kills/2,048 - 1 gil
Enemy Launcher Barret 35 100% 7 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 3,300 gil 1,650 gil
Gatling Gun Barret 14 97% - ⦿ ×1 Long - - -
Hairpin Red XIII 57 120% 15 - - Long Critical Hit +5% 6,000 gil 3,000 gil
Hawkeye Yuffie 61 107% 14 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 12,000 gil 6,000 gil
Heavy Vulcan Barret 39 100% 8 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 2,700 gil 1,350 gil
Lariat Vincent 64 120% 16 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 12,000 gil 6,000 gil
Long Barrel R Vincent 66 Always Hits 14 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 13,000 gil 6,500 gil
Magic Shuriken Yuffie 64 113% - ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ×1 Long Dexterity +10, Critical Hit +2% 6,000 gil 3,000 gil
Max Ray Barret 97 98% 30 ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - - 1 gil
Microlaser Barret 63 101% 13 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - 12,000 gil 6,000 gil
Missing Score Barret 98 108% 49 ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ ⦾─⦾ - Long Damage is multiplied by total AP of Materia on Missing Score/160,000 - 1 gil
Oritsuru Yuffie 90 116% 38 ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 Long - - 1 gil
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Armor: Shoot-Resistant – 1 shown
Uncommon armor cannot be purchased in shops at the end of the game, but can be found or won multiple times in other ways; rare armor can only be found at specific points during the game; starting armor cannot be re-obtained if sold or lost
Defense Defense%
Magic def is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; a character's Spirit and bonuses from materia determine their Magic def
Magic def
Magic def%
The growth of materia slots is categorized by color: ⦿×1, ⦿×2, ⦿×3, and ⦾×0.
Materia Slots
AP Growth Effects Characters Price Value
Ziedrich 100 15% 98 18% - - Strength +20, Magic +20, Halve Fire, Halve Ice, Halve Lightning, Halve Earth, Halve Poison, Halve Gravity, Halve Water, Halve Wind, Halve Holy, Halve Cut, Halve Hit, Halve Punch, Halve Shoot All Characters - 1 gil
Items: Shoot-Elemental – 5 shown
Uncommon items cannot be purchased in shops, but can be found or won multiple times in other ways; rare items can only be found at specific points during the game; special items are held by the most powerful monsters in the game
The damage calculation of the item's effect; multiple hits are indicated first; items deal full damage to multiple targets and always hit; HP or MP are those of the character the item is used on; healing and MP restoration items are indicated by their text color
Base Damage
Type Target
The status effects that can be inflicted or removed by this spell, and the chance of success if it is not assured
Special Properties Price Value Use in Field?
8-inch Cannon Explosive damage against one opponent 3,200 Physical One enemy - Deals 3,200 base damage - 1 gil No
Grenade Explosive damage against one opponent 160 Physical One enemy - Deals 160 base damage 80 gil 40 gil No
Right Arm Explosive damage against all opponents 1,600 Physical All enemies - Deals 1,600 base damage - 1 gil No
S-mine Explosive damage on one opponent 1,600 Physical One enemy - Deals 1,600 base damage 1,000 gil 500 gil No
Shrapnel Explosive damage against all opponents 416 Physical All enemies - Deals 416 base damage - 1 gil No