Base Job Compatibility
OK: 8 CP Wa: 8 CP Mo: 16 CP BM: 8 CP RM: 8 CP Ra: 16 CP Kn: 16 CP
Th: 24 CP Sc: 8 CP Ge: 24 CP Dr: 24 CP Vi: 32 CP BB: 32 CP MK: 32 CP
Ev: 20 CP Ba: 16 CP Ma: 32 CP De: 24 CP Su: 60 CP Sa: 48 CP Ni: 72 CP
Statistics by Level: White Mage – 20 shown
The level at which these statistics apply
The strength score at this level; a character gains a bonus to attack power based on his strength score
The agility score at this level; a character gains a bonus to evasion, accuracy, attack multiplier, defense multiplier, and magic defense multiplier based on his agility score
The vitality score at this level; a character gains a bonus to defense and the number of hit points gained when gainig a level based on his vitality score
The intelligence score at this level; a character gains a bonus to black magic power, accuracy, and multipliers, as well as magic defense and magic resistance, based on his intelligence score
The mind score at this level; a character gains a bonus to white magic power, accuracy, and multipliers, as well as magic defense and magic resistance, based on his mind score
The bonus to attack power at this level (based on other job statistics)
The base attack multiplier at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to accuracy at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to magic power at this level (based on other job statistics)
The base magic multiplier at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to magic accuracy at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to defense at this level (based on other job statistics)
The base defense multiplier at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to evasion at this level (based on other job statistics)
The base magic defense multiplier at this level (based on other job statistics)
The bonus to magic resistance at this level (based on other job statistics)
The maximum amount of level 1 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 2 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 3 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 4 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 5 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 6 magic points at this level
The maximum amount of level 7 magic points at this level
1 5 6 4 5 10 +1 ×1 +1% +5 ×1 +5% +2 ×0 +1% ×0 +7% 8 - - - - - -
5 7 8 6 6 13 +1 ×1 +2% +6 ×1 +6% +3 ×0 +2% ×0 +9% 11 2 - - - - -
10 10 10 9 7 17 +2 ×1 +2% +8 ×2 +8% +4 ×0 +2% ×0 +11% 13 4 2 - - - -
15 12 13 11 8 20 +3 ×1 +3% +10 ×2 +10% +5 ×0 +3% ×0 +14% 14 6 4 3 - - -
20 14 15 13 9 23 +3 ×2 +3% +11 ×3 +11% +6 ×0 +3% ×0 +15% 16 7 6 5 3 1 -
25 16 17 16 10 26 +4 ×3 +4% +13 ×3 +13% +8 ×0 +4% ×0 +18% 17 9 8 6 5 4 2
30 19 19 18 11 30 +4 ×3 +4% +15 ×3 +15% +9 ×0 +4% ×0 +20% 19 10 9 8 7 5 4
35 21 22 20 12 33 +5 ×4 +5% +16 ×5 +16% +10 ×1 +5% ×1 +22% 20 11 10 9 8 7 6
40 23 24 23 13 36 +5 ×4 +6% +18 ×5 +18% +11 ×1 +6% ×1 +24% 21 13 12 11 10 8 7
45 25 26 25 14 40 +6 ×4 +6% +20 ×5 +20% +12 ×1 +6% ×1 +27% 22 14 13 12 11 10 9
50 28 28 27 15 43 +7 ×5 +7% +21 ×6 +21% +13 ×1 +7% ×1 +28% 23 15 14 13 12 11 10
55 30 30 30 16 46 +7 ×5 +7% +23 ×6 +23% +15 ×1 +7% ×1 +31% 24 16 15 14 13 12 11
60 32 33 32 17 49 +8 ×6 +8% +24 ×7 +24% +16 ×2 +8% ×2 +32% 25 17 16 15 14 13 13
65 35 35 34 18 53 +8 ×7 +8% +26 ×8 +26% +17 ×3 +8% ×2 +35% 26 18 17 16 15 15 14
70 37 37 37 19 56 +9 ×7 +9% +28 ×8 +28% +18 ×3 +9% ×2 +37% 27 19 18 17 17 16 15
75 39 39 39 20 59 +9 ×7 +9% +29 ×8 +29% +19 ×3 +9% ×2 +39% 28 20 19 18 18 17 16
80 41 42 41 21 63 +10 ×7 +10% +31 ×8 +31% +20 ×3 +10% ×2 +41% 29 21 20 19 19 18 17
85 44 44 43 22 66 +11 ×8 +11% +33 ×10 +33% +21 ×3 +11% ×3 +44% 30 22 21 20 20 19 18
90 46 46 46 23 69 +11 ×8 +11% +34 ×10 +34% +23 ×3 +11% ×3 +45% 31 23 22 21 21 20 19
95 48 48 48 24 72 +12 ×9 +12% +36 ×10 +36% +24 ×3 +12% ×3 +48% 32 24 23 22 21 21 20
Weapons: Usable by White Mage – 7 shown
Rare weapons can only be found as treasure or won from monsters; unique weapons can only be found as treasure or purchased in hidden shops; ultimate weapons are uniquely powerful treasures; onion weapons are rare treasures of unmatched but narrow power
The higher a weapon's power, the more damage physical attacks made with it deal; characters gain a bonus to power based on strength
A weapon's base accuracy; characters gain a bonus to accuracy based on agility and job level; note that the accuracy of arrows is ignored in favor of the bow's accuracy when using a bow and arrow combination
Some weapons offer a bonus to one or more statistics; certain weapons also offer a bonus to one or more element types, but this has no effect; for the curious, the elemental bonuses are shown on individual weapon pages
The cost to buy this weapon in a shop
The amount of gil received when selling this weapon in a shop
The spell cast when this weapon is used as an item in combat; unlike items, weapons are not consumed when used to cast spells
The status ailment that may be inflicted by hits with this weapon
The elemental nature of this weapon; targets that are weak to this element take double damage, while targets that resist this element take half damage; targets that absorb this element gain hit points equal to the usual damage dealt
The jobs which are capable of using this weapon
Equipped By
(Rod)Golem Staff 16 70% - 13,500 gil 6,750 gil Break Earth De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
(Rod)Fire Staff 8 50% - 3,500 gil 1,750 gil Fire - De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
(Rod)Ice Staff 8 50% - 3,500 gil 1,750 gil Blizzard - De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
(Rod)Light Staff 8 50% - 3,500 gil 1,750 gil Thunder - De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
(Rod)Mythril Rod 5 60% - 400 gil 200 gil - - BM, De, Ev, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Su, WM
(Rod)Rune Staff 20 80% - 18,000 gil 9,000 gil Blizzaga - De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
(Rod)Staff 3 50% - 40 gil 20 gil - - De, Ni, RM, Sa, WM
Armor: Usable by White Mage – 13 shown
Rare armors can only be found as treasure or won from monsters; unique armors can only be found as treasure; ultimate armors are uniquely powerful treasures; onion armors are rare treasures of unmatched but narrow power
Defense reduces the amount of damage taken per physical hit; the defense value of multiple pieces of armor is cumulative
Most types of armor grant a bonus to the wearer's evasion; the evasion bonus of multiple pieces of armor is cumulative
Magic defense reduces the amount of damage taken by spells and special attacks; the magic defense value of multiple pieces of armor is cumulative
Mag. Def.
Some types of armor offer a bonus to one or more statistics
The cost to buy this armor in a shop
The amount of gil received when selling this armor in a shop
The wearer becomes immune to all of the listed status ailments while using this armor
Status Immunity
The wearer takes half damage from spells or attacks of any of the listed elements; if the wearer is also using a piece of armor with a weakness to a resisted element, the resistance takes precedence
The wearer takes double damage from spells or attacks of any of the listed elements; if the wearer is also using a piece of armor resistant to the element this armor is weak against, the resistance takes precedence
The jobs which are capable of using this armor
Equipped By
(Gloves)Bronze Bracers 1 2% 3 - 80 gil 40 gil - - - BM, De, Ev, Ge, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Sc, Su, WM
(Gloves)Diamond Bracers 6 12% 6 - 10,000 gil 5,000 gil Conf, Toad Lightning - BM, De, Ev, Ge, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Sc, Su, WM
(Armor)Leather Armor 2 1% 1 - 95 gil 47 gil - - - All jobs except Mystic Knight
(Helm)Leather Cap 1 1% 1 - 15 gil 7 gil - - - All jobs except Mystic Knight
(Armor)Mage Robe 9 7% 7 - 2,000 gil 1,000 gil - - - BM, De, Ev, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Su, WM
(Gloves)Mythril Bracers 2 7% 3 - 120 gil 60 gil - - - BM, De, Ev, Ge, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Sc, Su, WM
(Gloves)Protect Ring 7 15% 7 Vitality +5 - 15,000 gil - - - All jobs except Mystic Knight
(Helm)Ribbon 9 10% 10 - - 5 gil All status ailments Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Recovery - All jobs
(Gloves)Rune Bracers 5 10% 6 - 5,000 gil 2,500 gil - - - BM, De, Ev, Ge, Ma, Ni, RM, Sa, Sc, Su, WM
(Helm)Scholar Hat 5 10% 6 - 7,500 gil 3,750 gil - - - BM, De, Ma, Ni, Sa, Sc, WM
(Armor)Scholar Robe 15 12% 7 - 5,500 gil 2,750 gil - - - BM, De, Ma, Ni, Sa, Sc, WM
(Armor)Vest 1 - 0 - 50 gil 25 gil - - - All jobs except Mystic Knight
(Armor)White Robe 20 12% 14 Mind +5 7,000 gil 3,500 gil - - - De, Ev, Ni, RM, Sa, Su, WM
Spells: Usable by White Mage – 21 shown
Summons are spells with differing effects based on class; hidden spells must be earned or purchased in hidden shops; item effects power items and cannot be learned; terrain effects are used by geomancers; special abilities are used only by monsters; summon effects are written as Summon: Effect; evoker effects are used at random, while summoner effects are always the same
The type of spell this is, which determines which jobs can cast it; terrain spells are the effects created by geomancers' terrain ability; 'item'-type spells are created by using items in battle; abilities are used only by monsters
The level of the spell, which determines which jobs can cast it and what level mp it takes to cast
The effect of damaging or healing spells is increased with a high power; characters add a bonus to the spell power of damaging spells based on intelligence for black magic or mind for white magic; healing spells do not get any bonus
The base accuracy of the spell; characters add a bonus to accuracy based on intelligence for black magic or mind for white magic
The cost to buy this spell's tome in a shop
The amount of gil received when selling this spell in a shop
The targets that this spell can be used on; spells that target 'all' cannot be retargeted, and deal full damage to each target; spells that have a target of 'one/all' split their damage among all targets if used to target a group; both 'one/all' and 'one' target spells can be used against both enemies and allies, regardless of the default target
Any status ailments this spell inflicts on a successful casting
The elemental nature of this spell; targets that are weak to this element take double damage, while targets that resist this element take half damage; targets that absorb this element gain hit points equal to the usual damage dealt
The jobs which are capable of casting this spell; a character of any job can have any spell on their spell list, even if they cannot cast it
Cast By
Aero White 2 45 100% 700 gil 350 gil One/All Enemies Air, Ice De, RM, Sa, WM
Aeroga White 6 115 100% 10,000 gil 5,000 gil One/All Enemies Air, Ice De, Sa, WM
Blindna White 3 - 75% 1,500 gil 750 gil One Enemy - De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Confuse White 4 - 25% 3,000 gil 1,500 gil One/All Enemies - De, RM, Sa, WM
Cura White 3 125 100% 1,500 gil 750 gil One/All Enemies Recovery De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Curaga White 5 180 100% 5,000 gil 2,500 gil One/All Enemies Recovery De, Sa, WM
Curaja White 7 220 100% 20,000 gil 10,000 gil One/All Enemies Recovery De, Sa, WM
Cure White 1 42 100% 100 gil 50 gil One/All Enemies Recovery De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Esuna White 7 - 60% 20,000 gil 10,000 gil One Enemy - De, Sa, WM
Haste White 6 5 16% 10,000 gil 5,000 gil One Enemy - De, Sa, WM
Libra White 4 - 100% 3,000 gil 1,500 gil One Enemy - De, RM, Sa, WM
Mini White 2 - - 700 gil 350 gil One Enemy - De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Poisona White 1 - 50% 100 gil 50 gil One Enemy - De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Protect White 5 5 75% 5,000 gil 2,500 gil One Enemy - De, Sa, WM
Raise White 5 1 15% 5,000 gil 2,500 gil One Enemy Recovery De, Sa, WM
Reflect White 7 - 75% 20,000 gil 10,000 gil One Enemy - De, Sa, WM
Sight White 1 - 100% 100 gil 50 gil One Enemy - De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
Silence White 4 - 60% 3,000 gil 1,500 gil One/All Enemies - De, RM, Sa, WM
Stona White 6 - 60% 10,000 gil 5,000 gil One Enemy - De, Sa, WM
Teleport White 3 - - 1,500 gil 750 gil One Enemy - De, MK, Ra, RM, Sa, WM
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