Items of Interest: In Bottom of Nothern Cave (Party) – 21 shown
Item Type
Whether this item can be found or collected multiple times
Hero Drink Item No Given by Tifa if she is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Imperial Guard Item No Given by Cid if he is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Vaccine Item No Given by Barret if he is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right, not otherwise available)
Shield Materia Item No Given by Red XIII if he is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Remedy Item No Given by Cait Sith if he is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Magic Source Item No Given by Vincent if he is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Counter Materia Item No Given by Yuffie if she is sent left and then up (and not alone or with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Turbo Ether Item No Given by Tifa if she is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Elixir Item No Given by Cid if he is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Remedy Item No Given by Barret if he is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Speed Source Item No Given by Red XIII if he is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
X-Potion Item No Given by Cait Sith if he is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right, not otherwise available)
Mega All Materia Item No Given by Vincent if he is sent left and then down (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Vaccine Item No Given by Yuffie if she is sent left and then down (and not alone or with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Mystile Item No Given by Tifa if she is sent right (and not with Cloud, game calls it Mythril)
Speed Source Item No Given by Cid if he is sent right (and not with Cloud)
Guard Source Item No Given by Barret if he is sent right (and not with Cloud, not otherwise available)
Mind Source Item No Given by Red XIII if he is sent right (and not with Cloud, not otherwise available)
Elixir Item No Given by Cait Sith if he is sent right (and not with Cloud)
Megalixir Item No Given by Vincent if he is sent right (and not with Cloud, game calls it Last Elixir)
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Armor: Found in Bottom of Nothern Cave (Party) – 2 shown
Uncommon armor cannot be purchased in shops at the end of the game, but can be found or won multiple times in other ways; rare armor can only be found at specific points during the game; starting armor cannot be re-obtained if sold or lost
Defense Defense%
Magic def is listed in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; a character's Spirit and bonuses from materia determine their Magic def
Magic def
Magic def%
The growth of materia slots is categorized by color: ⦿×1, ⦿×2, ⦿×3, and ⦾×0.
Materia Slots
AP Growth Effects Characters Price Value
Imperial Guard 82 - 74 - ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 - All Characters - 1 gil
Mystile 65 50% 72 60% ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ⦿─⦿ ×1 - All Characters - 1 gil
Materia: Found in Bottom of Nothern Cave (Party) – 3 shown
Uncommon materia cannot be purchased in shops, but can be found or won multiple times in other ways; rare materia can only be found at specific points during the game; master materia are incredibly rare and powerful
Type Levels Abilities
The element added when this materia is paired with an Elemental materia
Strength Dexterity Vitality Magic Luck Magic def Max HP%
Max MP% Price Master AP
The sale value of this materia when it is mastered; materia that have not yet been mastered sell at a lower price
Master Value
When your materia is stolen, materia with a higher priority is stolen first
Shield Magic 3 L2: Shield Hidden −4 - −2 +4 - +2 −10 +10 - 100,000 1 gil 68
Counter Support 5 L1: Counter 30%
L2: Counter 40%
L3: Counter 60%
L4: Counter 80%
L5: Counter 100%
- - - - - - - - - - 100,000 1 gil 75
Mega All Independent 5 Attack All 1/battle/level Hidden - - - - - - - - - 160,000 1 gil 76
Items: Found in Bottom of Nothern Cave (Party) – 11 shown
Uncommon items cannot be purchased in shops, but can be found or won multiple times in other ways; rare items can only be found at specific points during the game; special items are held by the most powerful monsters in the game
The damage calculation of the item's effect; multiple hits are indicated first; items deal full damage to multiple targets and always hit; HP or MP are those of the character the item is used on; healing and MP restoration items are indicated by their text color
Base Damage
Type Target Element
The status effects that can be inflicted or removed by this spell, and the chance of success if it is not assured
Special Properties Price Value Use in Field?
X-Potion Fully Restores HP 100% HP Magic One ally Restorative - - - 1 gil Yes
Turbo Ether Fully Restores MP 100% MP Magic One ally Restorative - - - 1 gil Yes
Elixir Fully Restores HP/MP 100% HP/MP Physical One ally Restorative - - - 1 gil Yes
Megalixir Fully restores all members HP/MP 100% HP/MP Physical All allies Restorative - - - 1 gil Yes
Remedy Cures abnormal status - Magic One ally - Remove: Sleep, Poison, Sadness, Fury, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Small, Slow-numb, Petrify, Berserk, Paralyzed, Darkness - 1,000 gil 500 gil No
Hero Drink Raises ability once during battle - Physical One ally - - Raises Attack, Magic atk, Defense, and Magic def by 30% each - 1 gil No
Vaccine Protects against transformations - Magic One ally - Add: Resist - - 1 gil No
Guard Source Raises [Vitality] - - - Permanently increases Vitality by 1. - 250 gil Yes
Magic Source Raises [Magic Power] - - - Permanently increases Magic by 1. - 250 gil Yes
Mind Source Raises [Spirit] - - - Permanently increases Spirit by 1. - 250 gil Yes
Speed Source Raises [Dexterity] - - - Permanently increases Dexterity by 1. - 250 gil Yes