Shops: Which Sell Dagger – 5 shown
Shop Name World Location
The list of goods available for sale at this type of shop; prices can be found on the appropriate page for each type of item
Goods Sold
Weapons B.C. Towne Linda Dagger, Mace, Axe, Bow, Sword, Great Sword, Light Sword, Phaser
Death N Destroy A.D. New San Antonio Dagger, Mace, Axe, Bow, Sword, Great Sword, Light Sword, Phaser
Weapons Mars Towne Mary Dagger, Mace, Axe, Bow, Sword, Great Sword, Light Sword, Phaser
Georges Arms Pluto Towne Makler Dagger, Mace, Axe, Bow, Sword, Great Sword, Light Sword, Phaser
Weapons Ltd X Towne Basko Dagger, Mace, Axe, Bow, Sword, Great Sword, Light Sword, Phaser
Locations: Where Dagger may be Found – 9 shown
Dungeons and towers have multiple levels and are filled with enemies; extraterrestrial locations are found on planets other than Earth
Type World
The number and types of treasures that can be found and claimed at this location; this includes any types of transportation that can be claimed in this location, not including horses purchased at a transport shop
Greenland Dungeon Dungeon Pangea 11 chests, 8 tri-lithiums
South America Tower Tower B.C. 46 chests, 104 tri-lithiums
Greenland Dungeon Dungeon B.C. 11 chests, 8 tri-lithiums
Egypt Tower Tower A.D. 54 chests, 31 tri-lithiums
Greenland Dungeon Dungeon A.D. 11 chests, 8 tri-lithiums
Greenland Dungeon Dungeon Aftermath 11 chests, 8 tri-lithiums
Mercury Dungeon Dungeon Mercury 8 chests, 94 tri-lithiums
Jupiter Tower Tower Jupiter 110 chests, 124 tri-lithiums
Jupiter Dungeon Dungeon Jupiter 99 chests, 31 tri-lithiums