Characters: Who can use Throw – 2 shown
Hidden characters will join after special quests in the World of Ruin; temporary characters will only join the party for a short time and cannot be re-equipped
The special command that is unique to this character
If a character uses the Fight command while at low HP (less than 1/8 of maximum), they have a 1/16 chance of using this special attack instead; each attack can be used only once per battle
The character's starting Vigor score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses
The character's starting Speed score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses
The character's starting Stamina score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses
The character's starting Mag.Pwr score; this does not increase with level but may be permanently increased with esper bonuses
The character's base Bat.Pwr score; this is augmented by equipped weapons but cannot be permanently increased
The character's base Defense score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased
The character's base Evade % score; it is shown in gray to indicate that, due to a bug, this value is not used; MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead
Evade %
The character's base Mag.Def score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased
The character's base MBlock% score; this is augmented by equipped armor and relics but cannot be permanently increased; due to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %
The character's base HP score at level 1; this increases with level and may be increased further with esper bonuses
Base HP
The character's base MP score at level 1; this increases with level and may be increased further with esper bonuses
Base MP
The first time a character joins the party in each of the World of Balance and the World of Ruin, their level will be increased to the average party level modified by this number; Terra begins the game at level 3
While running, the character's run value increases by a value in this range at regular intervals; they will successfully run when this value is greater than or equal to the encounter's run difficulty
Run Skill
Shadow Throw Shadow Fang 39 38 30 33 23 47 28 25 9 51 6 0 1–5
Gogo Mimic X-Meteo 25 30 20 26 13 39 10 25 6 36 12 +2 1–4
Thrown Objects – 74 shown
Item Type
The base power of this ability, which determines the amount of damage it does; a dagger (†) indicates that the attack ignores Defense, making it more powerful than other abilities with the same Bat.Pwr; normally thrown weapons deal double damage, indicated by a ×2
Whether this ability is physical or magical in nature; the game determines hits and damage differently for each; item abilities have non-random effects
The targets available to this ability; many abilities can target either allies or foes, and the note here signifies which they target by default; a double dagger (‡) indicates that an ability can hit all targets on either side of a pincer attack or side attack at the same time
How likely this ability is to connect; abilities with a 100% hit rate always connect unless some effect prevents them entirely
Hit Rate
The status effect granted to the target of this ability
Strato Knife 199 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Trump Gambler 133 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 13,000 GP
Heal Rod Rod 200 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Magus Rod Rod 168 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Pearl Rod Rod 124 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Pearl - 12,000 GP
Gravity Rod Rod 120 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Earth - 13,000 GP
Punisher Rod 111 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Poison Rod Rod 86 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Poison - 1,500 GP
Mithril Rod Rod 60 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 500 GP
Sky Render Knife 215 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Shuriken Stars 86 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 30 GP
Aura Knife 162 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Murasame Knife 110 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Tempest Knife 101 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Wind - -
Forged Knife 81 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 1,200 GP
Kotetsu Knife 66 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - 800 GP
Ashura Knife 57 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Imp Halberd Lance 253 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Aura Lance Lance 227 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% - - -
Pearl Lance Lance 194 ×2 Physical One Foe 100% Pearl - -
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