Dark Ages
The aptly-named Beast's Nest is full of Beasts. Even though they are not Boss fights, you can only fight each set once. The normal Beasts have R'bow Helms which Ayla can Charm, if you want. She can also Charm some nice items off the Bosses of this Area.
The Boss consists of a tiny imp and two Beasts of opposed Elements. The Mud Imp's defenses are very strong until the Beasts are destroyed. Defeat each beast using the correct Element, or powerful non-elemental attacks like Crono and Ayla's Falcon Hit Dual Tech. The Mud Imp can then be killed with Physical attacks.
The Boss consists of a tiny imp and two Beasts of opposed Elements. The Mud Imp's defenses are very strong until the Beasts are destroyed. Defeat each beast using the correct Element, or powerful non-elemental attacks like Crono and Ayla's Falcon Hit Dual Tech. The Mud Imp can then be killed with Physical attacks.