Items of Interest: Hero Drink – 4 shown
Item Type
Whether this item can be found or collected multiple times
Area Screen Details
Hero Drink Item No Northern Cave Bottom of Nothern Cave (Party) Given by Tifa if she is sent left and then up (and not with Cloud; 50% chance if Cloud goes right)
Hero Drink Item No Northern Cave Inside Northern Cave (East Lake) Open the chest on the east side of the area (unless found by Tifa)
Hero Drink Item No Northern Cave Inside Northern Cave (Outside Cave Cliffs) Open the chest on the second level from the bottom
Hero Drink Item No Icicle Inn Icicle Inn (Mr. Holzoff's House) Pick up the right blue bottle in the back room
Gold Saucer Prizes: Hero Drink – 3 shown
Prize Screen
Which Gold Saucer event awards this prize
The difficulty level the event must be played on to win this prize
Whether this prize can be won multiple times
Hero Drink or 15 GP Chocobo Square Chocobo Racing B Class Random possible prize, 200 gil per bet Yes
Hero Drink or 15 GP Chocobo Square Chocobo Racing A Class Random possible prize, 300 gil per bet, jockeys only Yes
Hero Drink or 15 GP Chocobo Square Chocobo Racing S Class Random possible prize, 500 gil per bet, jockeys only Yes