Party Planning – Master FFII's leveling system to create a party that can overcome any challenge with ease.
Game Systems – The mechanics and bugs of FFII are laid bare.
The Rebellion
Waking Up in Altair – After a brutal battle, three youths awaken in Altair and join the rebellion.
Infiltrating Fynn – The party sneaks into Fynn and makes contact with Scott.
Paloom and Poft – Two towns connected by a ferry offer the chance to recover and re-equip on the way to Salamand.
Salamand – Josef reveals that his quest for Mythril has gone poorly, with the men of the town captured.
Semitt Falls – The party frees the prisoners held at Semitt Falls and recovers the Mythril.
Return to Altair – Powerful new weapons and armor forged with Mythril are now available in Altair.
The Dreadnought
Bafsk and the Dreadnought – The party travels to the occupied town of Bafsk to gather information on the [Dreadnought].
Back to Semitt Falls – In the quest to find the Goddess's Bell, Josef joins and directs the party to his Snowcraft.
The Snow Cavern – Using the Snowcraft, the party finds the Goddess's Bell in the Snow Cavern.
Kashuan Keep – Using the Goddess's Bell to open Kashuan Keep, the party finds Gordon and obtains the Sunfire.
The Dreadnought – Sunfire in hand, the party travels to the docked Dreadnought to save their friends and destroy the ship.
The Dragoons of Deist
Setting Sail – Destined for Castle Deist, the party boards Leila's ship.
The Tropical Island (Optional) – The party may explore the Tropical Island where they find the mysterious Black Mask.
Castle Deist and the Last Wyvern – At Castle Deist the party learns of the last of the [Wyverns] and the Pendant needed to speak to it.
Deist Cavern – Fulfilling a dying wish, the party brings the Wyvern Egg deep into the Deist Cavern.
Princess Hilda
Hilda Gone Mad? – Princess Hilda has reportedly been acting strangely since being rescued from the Dreadnought.
Showdown at the Coliseum – The party travels to the Coliseum in the shadow of Castle Palamecia to rescue the real Princess Hilda.
Liberating Castle Fynn – It is finally time to drive the Empire out of Castle Fynn.
Exploring Fynn – With Fynn freed, it's time to check out the newly opened stores in town.
The Ultima Tome
The White Mask – The White Mask is located in the Castle Fynn Basement, but the trouble is finding the path to get there.
Mysidia – The magical town of Mysidia reveals the uses of the White and Black Masks.
The Mysidian Cave – With the Black Mask from the Tropical Island in hand, the party can delve into the Mysidian Cave to find the Crystal Rod.
Leviathan – Upon approach to the Mysidian Tower, the ship is swallowed by Leviathan.
The Mysidian Tower – The party fights their way through gigantic guardians to find the Ultima Tome atop the Mysidian Tower.
The Emperor
The Cyclone Appears – The Cyclone has devastated Altair and the surrounding towns, and the party needs to find a way inside.
Defeat the Emperor – Using the Wyvern, the party enters the Cyclone and defeats the Emperor.
The Airship – Cid bequeaths his airship to the party, allowing them to approach Castle Palamecia from above.
Castle Palamecia – Conquer the guardians of Castle Palamecia and defeat the Dark Knight, new ruler of the Empire.
The Final Battle
The Jade Passage – The party travels through a mysterious opening in the ground through the Jade Passage.
Pandaemonium – Fantastic treasures and a final confrontation with the Emperor await in Pandaemonium.
The Final Battle – Defeat the Emperor in the climactic battle and save the world of FFII!