Back to Semitt Falls

Planning in Altair

Altair, too, was attacked by the [Dreadnought] (as was Gatrea), with most of the remaining population hiding out in the rebel headquarters. There you will learn that Gordon has gone missing. Someone suggests that Cid might know the [Dreadnought]'s weakness (if you did not do so previously, you will need to return to Poft and learn the [Sunfire] Keyword from him). When you speak to Hilda, Minwu will leave the party to tend to the king. She'll also mention that the Goddess's Bell, which can open Kashuan Keep, can be found in a cave far to the north. When you mention [Sunfire] to her, she'll plead with you to obtain it at any cost. But how to find it?

In the king's room, Minwu will tell you that you need Egil's Torch to transport the [Sunfire]. Mention the [Sunfire] to the king, and he will go into detail about what you need to do, as well as teach you the [Goddess's Bell] Keyword. Scott sealed the entrance to Kashuan Keep to protect the [Sunfire] before he was captured, and you need the [Goddess's Bell] to unseal it. Gordon would know where it is, but he has fled.

Return to Hilda and ask her about the [Goddess's Bell]. She tells you that Josef may know about it, and suggests you return to Salamand.

Josef and Salamand

You should have no trouble making the trip back to Salamand. When you mention the [Goddess's Bell] to Josef, he will join the party. He tells you that the [Goddess's Bell] is in the Snow Cavern, but you'll need his Snowcraft to reach it. That can be found back in the Semitt Falls.

Josef is a bare-handed fighter with impressive physical stats and a good sum of HP. He starts at level 2 in unarmed fighting and level 1 in everything else, so training him with a weapon of your choice isn't out of the question. He will not be in the party for very long, though, so don't spend a lot of time raising his skills. He comes with no Spells and middling magic-related stats, so he can best serve the party as a front-line fighter. He has fairly light armor that you may want to upgrade, for instance with any extra Armor you have in your inventory.

The Snowcraft

Remember the bright blue rock on B1 of Semitt Falls? Well, that's the marker Josef was talking about. Once you head back over to the area, you should check the area around that rock. Investigate the northwestern wall nearby and Josef will open a pathway. You can walk through to a cavern with a chest containing the Snowcraft. Now you can reach the Snow Cavern!