Werebeasts are the red-headed stepchild of the FF1 monster family tree. There are only two in the game, and you won't see a CATMAN until late in the game, long after the Were Sword would have become obsolete if it actually did anything special.
Effective Weapons
Excalibur, Werebuster
The Werebeast family is perhaps the strangest in the game, consisting of Werepanthers and Werewolves, Brains and Changers, and Stunners. The Stunners are the strangest, since they share a sprite with Wererats, who are not Werebeasts. In any case, this is an important family because it's the only one where you will get a weapon effective against them early in the game. The Werebuster can do some serious damage to these Monsters if you have a front-line staff user, and it's a good weapon when you get it anyway.