Shops: Found in Lost Friends – 8 shown
The name of the shop; even shops with the same name may not sell the same items in every town
What type of items this shop sells
The items sold in this shop; some goods will not be available until you've reached a certain level, as indicated on the specific item pages; prices are determined by your statistics, and are the same across all of the shops in the land
Weapons Mace, Rope & Spikes, Great Sword, Amulet, Staff, Pistol, Phazor
Weapons Dagger, Axe, Sword, Bow & Arrows, Wand, Triangle, Light Sword, Blaster
Armour Leather armor, Chain mail, Plate mail, Vacuum suit, Reflect suit
Food Food
Tavern Ale
Transportation Horse, Cart, Raft, Frigate, Air Car, Shuttle
Transportation Horse, Cart, Air Car, Shuttle
Magic Open, Unlock, Magic Missile, Steal, Ladder Down, Ladder Up, Blink, Create, Destroy, Kill
Magic Waters: Found in Lost Friends – 1 shown
Which body of water within the castle or town has these properties
Body of Water
What type of bonus dropping gold in this body of water may result in
Bonus To
The amount of the bonus based on the amount of gold dropped
Bonus Amount
Lake HP 150% of gold dropped
Creatures: Found in Lost Friends – 4 shown
The name of the creature; note that creatures of the same name that appear in different types of areas (e.g., the overworld or dungeons) are different creatures with different statistics; dungeon creatures are found only on certain dungeon levels; town creatures are not normally aggressive; kings are worth a great deal of experience if defeated; you must defeat the final boss to complete the game
The location where you can find this creature; all of the lands, woods, and seas of Sosaria are home to the same types of creatures, regardless of continent
Whether this creature's attacks are ranged; you cannot attack creatures with a ranged attack unless you have a ranged attack as well
Any special notes about the creature's special abilities
Bard Towns No Will sometimes steal all of your unequipped weapons when adjacent
Guard Towns and Castles No Will attack if you damage anyone or are caught stealing, 500 HP in castles, takes about half normal damage
Merchant Towns No -
Wench Towns No -