Items of Interest: In Sunken Gelnika – 10 shown
Item Type
Whether this item can be found or collected multiple times
Screen Details
Heaven's Cloud Item No Hallway (East) Open the chest at the west end of the hallway
Megalixir Item No Research Room Open the chest across the bridge and to the east
Escort Guard Item No Research Room Open the chest in the southeast corner
Double Cut Materia Item No Research Room Pick up the purple orb partially concealed by the chest on the upper level
Conformer Item No Research Room Open the concealed chest in the northwest corner
Megalixir Item No Cargo Room Open the chest on the west upper path
Spirit Lance Item No Cargo Room Open the chest on the northeast upper path
Hades Materia Item No Cargo Room Pick up the red orb near the wrecked helicopter
Highwind Item No Cargo Room Open the chest in the southeast of the lower area
Outsider Item No Cargo Room Open the chest in the southwest of the lower area