Screens: Where Ruby's Tentacle is Encountered – 1 shown
Temporary screens become permanently inaccessible during the normal course of the game
The random encounter groups that you may fight on this screen; this list only includes standard encounters, but special encounter types may also be present as detailed on the screen detail page; encounter rates are in parenthesis and are out of 256
Random Encounters
How many treasures (items of interest containing equipment or other items) are found on this screen
The price of the cheapest inn in this screen. it is not necessarily always available
Inn Price
Save Point Notes
World Map Gold Saucer Area Grass
3 Spencers, Flapbeat (88)
3 Flapbeats (84)
2 Jokers (84)
Harpy (128)
4 Flapbeats (128)
Grangalan (64)
3 Beachplugs (64)
4 Beachplugs (64)
3 Beachplugs (Side Attack) (64)
- - - -
Set Encounters: With Ruby's Tentacle – 1 shown
Limited encounters never appear as random encounters; bosses are involved in important plot fights; special bosses and the final bosses are specifically called out as well; super bosses represent the greatest challenge in the game; Battle Square encounters only appear in the Battle Square; chocobo encounters only appear in certain areas when using a Chocobo Lure and can be caught
Area Screen Details
The range of levels of monsters in this encounter
In a pincer attack, your party is surrounded; in a side attack, your party surrounds the enemies; in a back attack, the enemy attacks from behind
A factor indicating how hard it is to run from a battle; for example, it will generally take twice as long to run from a battle with a ×2 run difficulty than one with a ×1 run difficulty
Run Difficulty
Ruby Weapon World Map Gold Saucer Area Ram into the red object near the Gold Saucer with the Highwind (after defeating Ultimate Weapon) 37–59 45,000 50,000 30,000 gil Pincer Attack ×3
Encounters: With Ruby's Tentacle – 1 shown
Limited encounters never appear as random encounters; bosses are involved in important plot fights; special bosses and the final bosses are specifically called out as well; super bosses represent the greatest challenge in the game; Battle Square encounters only appear in the Battle Square; chocobo encounters only appear in certain areas when using a Chocobo Lure and can be caught
The range of levels of monsters in this encounter
In a pincer attack, your party is surrounded; in a side attack, your party surrounds the enemies; in a back attack, the enemy attacks from behind
Whether pre-emptive strikes are possible in this encounter; pre-emptive strikes are only possible during normal battles, and are disabled during any set encounter on a map with no random encounters, even if the encounter would normally allow them; there are no pre-emptive strikes in the battle square
A factor indicating how hard it is to run from a battle; for example, it will generally take twice as long to run from a battle with a ×2 run difficulty than one with a ×1 run difficulty
Run Difficulty
The specific monsters that appear in this encounter; a dagger (†) indicates that one or more of the marked monsters have cover, meaning that they cannot be attacked until certain monsters in closer rows have been defeated
Ruby Weapon 37–59 45,000 50,000 30,000 gil Pincer Attack No ×3 Ruby's Tentacles, Ruby Weapon
Elements: Resisted by Ruby's Tentacle – 2 shown
Physical elements are applied to physical attacks rather than magic; healing elements heal rather than harm; the hidden element is not shown within the game menus
Gravity Magic
Water Magic
Status Effects: Resisted by Ruby's Tentacle – 12 shown
Positive status effects are generally beneficial; negative status effects are generally harmful; special status effects can only be inflicted by certain materia commands
This status is negated by its opposed status
Type Duration
Sleep - Negative Temporary Character cannot act, but is woken by any physical attack
Confusion - Negative Temporary Character will attack allies, effect ends when hit by any physical attack
Silence - Negative Temporary Character cannot use magic
Stop - Negative Temporary Character can't act
Frog - Negative Temporary Character deals 1/4 physical damage and can only Fight, use Items, or cast Toad
Small - Negative Temporary Character deals 1 damage with all physical attacks
Slow-numb - Negative Temporary Character will be afflicted with Petrify when the timer runs out
Petrify - Negative Temporary Character cannot act but is immune to damage and status effects
Death-sentence - Negative Temporary Character dies when the timer runs out
Manipulate - Negative Temporary Your party decides the afflicted monster's actions
Berserk - Negative Temporary Character attacks uncontrollably but deals 50% extra damage
Death - Negative Permanent Character is dead