Shop Items: Sold in Tzen Item Shop – 16 shown
World of Ruin shops replace the original shops in the World of Ruin
Item Price World Notes
Tzen Items Potion 300 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Tincture 1,500 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Echo Screen 120 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Eyedrop 50 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Green Cherry 150 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Revivify 300 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Fenix Down 500 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Tent 1,200 GP Balance -
Tzen Items Potion 300 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Tincture 1,500 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Echo Screen 120 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Green Cherry 150 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Revivify 300 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Fenix Down 500 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Sleeping Bag 500 GP Ruin -
Tzen Items Super Ball 10,000 GP Ruin -