Shop Items: Sold in Narshe Relics – 11 shown
World of Ruin shops replace the original shops in the World of Ruin
Item Price World Notes
Narshe Relics Barrier Ring 500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Fairy Ring 1,500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Jewel Ring 1,000 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Sprint Shoes 1,500 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics True Knight 1,000 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics MithrilGlove 700 GP Balance Before gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Black Belt 5,000 GP Balance After gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Earrings 5,000 GP Balance After gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics RunningShoes 7,000 GP Balance After gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Sniper Sight 3,000 GP Balance After gaining control of the Blackjack
Narshe Relics Wall Ring 6,000 GP Balance After gaining control of the Blackjack