Treasure: Found in The Pass of Paddra – 1 shown
Details on exactly where to find this treasure
Mythril Bangle In plain sight on the right fork, guarded by Leyaks and a Rangda
Monsters: Found in The Pass of Paddra – 7 shown
Unique monsters are only encountered during one-time plot encounters; mission monsters appear only during missions; the final bosses make up the last set of encounters in the game; eidolons are special monsters that are not defeated through sheer martial prowess; note that multiple monsters may have the same name, especially in the case of multi-stage bosses
The monster's type, as indicated by the in-game datalog
The monster's subtype, as indicated by the in-game datalog
The monster's starting and maximum hit points
The monster's strength; a standard physical attack will deal approximately this amount of damage
The monster's magic power; a typical magic attack will deal approximately this amount of damage
The monster's level
A monster's chain resistance indicates how quickly its chain meter fills up; a chain resistance of 70 is normal, and every 30 points modifies the chain bonus per hit by that same amount; thus, the chain meter of a monster with a chain resistance of 40 will increase at double speed (compared to 70), or triple speed with a chain resistance of 10; a chain resistance of 100 negates all chain modifiers, reducing each hit to a minimal change to the chain gauge; when a monster is staggered, its chain resistance is reduced to 0
Chain Resistance
When the monster's chain gauge reaches this point, it increases by 100% and they are considered staggered; staggered creatures have a chain resistance of zero; if a monster has no stagger point listed, it will nonetheless be staggered when its chain gauge reaches 999.0%
Stagger Point
A monster's stagger index is an adjusted value that gives a relative measure of how hard a monster is to stagger; this number is based on how many hits the monster's chain gauge would require to reach the stagger point with a chain resistance of 70; for instance, a monster with a chain resistance of 70 and a stagger point of 150.0% would have a stagger index of 50 (since the chain gauge starts at 100.0%), as would a monster with a chain resistance of 40 and a stagger point of 200.0% or a monster with a chain resistance of 85 and a stagger point of 125.0%; the stagger index of a monster with a chain resistance of 100 is an approximation due to the effects of having 100 chain resistance
Stagger Index
The amount of CP earned by defeating this monster
The item you are most likely to earn after defeating this monster in combat; it is not possible to earn both the common drop and the rare drop from a single monster
Common Drop
The chance that you will earn the monster's common drop after combat; this chance can be modified by certain accessories
The item you are less likely to earn after defeating this monster in combat; it is not possible to earn both the common drop and the rare drop from a single monster
Rare Drop
The chance that you will earn the monster's rare drop after combat; this chance can be modified by certain accessories
The elements and status ailments that this monster is especially vulnerable to; the exact level of vulnerability is listed on the monster page
The first chapter where you can encounter this monster
Leyak Feral Creatures Spooks 15,300 108 154 1 10 150.0% 17 440 Torn Leather 25% Smooth Hide 5% Ice, Water, Deprotect, Pain 11
Rangda Feral Creatures Spooks 27,000 116 191 1 30 170.0% 30 740 Torn Leather 25% Smooth Hide 5% Ice, Water, Pain 11
Triffid Feral Creatures Stalkers 56,160 203 100 6 75 180.0% 96 540 Molted Tail 25% Diabolic Tail 5% Fire, Wind 11
Hybrid Flora Feral Creatures Flan 216,000 454 304 7 80 190.0% 135 1,080 Murky Ooze 25% Vibrant Ooze 5% Fire, Wind 11
Munchkin Feral Creatures Goblins 25,920 183 - 6 40 250.0% 75 400 Fractured Horn 25% Spined Horn 5% Ice, Wind, Curse 11
Munchkin Maestro Feral Creatures Goblins 90,720 429 286 6 50 250.0% 90 920 Fractured Horn 25% Spined Horn 5% Ice, Wind, Curse 11
Alraune Feral Creatures Nudibranchs 18,000 540 540 6 80 290.0% 285 240 Gummy Oil 25% Esoteric Oil 5% Fire, Ice, Earth 11
Accessories: Found in The Pass of Paddra – 1 shown
Rare accessories cannot be purchased but may be dropped by monsters or upgraded from purchased accessories; unique accessories can only be found or upgraded from other unique accessories, and are therefore limited in number
The passive ability granted by this accessory; the "X" in this name will be replaced with the accessory's current bonus, which is determined by its level
For accessories with a numerical bonus, this indicates the range that the bonus may grant; for accessories that can only be created via upgrade, the low end of this range is based on the level the new accessory will be created at; if you hover over the bonus range, the tooltip text will give you the exact per-level formula for the bonus
Some accessories may contribute towards a synthesized ability; you will need to equip more than one accessory or weapon with the same synthesized ability to gain its effects; details of the trigger requirements and effects of the synthesized ability can be found on its information page
The cost to purchase this accessory from a retail network, if it is available for sale
The amount of gil you would receive for selling the accessory to a retail shop at its minimum level; value increases as the accessory gains levels; if you hover over the value, the tooltip text will give you the exact per-level formula for the value
Each accessory has an associated rank, which determines how much experience the accessory gains from components of any given rank; a higher-rank accessory typically requires more or higher-quality components to upgrade
The per-level cost to upgrade this accessory; this cost increases at each level past the first, as indicated by the formula
Upgrade Cost
The number of times this accessory can be upgraded; the accessory actually has one more level than the number listed, the master level, which is indicated by a ✩; note that for accessories that must be created viw upgrade, some lower levels cannot actually be reached, since the accessory is created at a higher level
The total amount of experience required to take this accessory from zero experience at level 1 to level ✩; the full value is listed even for accessories that only appear above level 1 because the amount of experience accumulated on a master accessory is carried over when it is upgraded; for a breakdown of exactly how much experience is required to master an accessory from any given level, view its information page
Master EXP
If this accessory is mastered and upgraded, it turns into another accessory; because accumulated experience is carried over, the new accessory will usually be created above level 1, as indicated here
Upgraded To
When an accessory is mastered, you may use this catalyst to upgrade it into a new accessory
The first chapter in which the accessory can be purchased, found, or upgraded from another accessory
Mythril Bangle HP: +X 300–450 High HP: Power Surge 15,000 gil
7,500 gil
6 720+228/lv 15 34,740 Platinum Bangle Lv.13 Mnar Stone 7
Missions: Found in The Pass of Paddra – 2 shown
Number Name
A-class missions are the toughest, while D-class missions are the easiest
Where the Cie'th stone for this mission can be found; some missions in the Faultwarrens can be started from multiple different maps
Cie'th Stone Location
The target mark for this mission; if the mark is accompanied by any other monsters, these will be indicated on the mission page
The map on which the mark can be found
Mark Location
The reward obtained the first time you complete the mission; a secondary reward is given instead each time the mission is repeated
After a mission has been completed once, each subsequent completion of the mission will grant a number of components as a reward
Secondary Reward
Once you have completed at least two missions started at a waystone, you may freely teleport between the stones of any waystone missions you've completed; completing the mission associated with a paling stone will result in a barrier on the world map being removed, allowing access to a new area
Stone Type
06 No Place Like Home C Yaschas MassifThe Paddraean Archaeopolis Munchkin Maestro Yaschas MassifThe Pass of Paddra Fulmen Ring Bomb Shells Waystone
53 Freedom from Fear A Mah'habaraAn Asylum from Light Zirnitra Yaschas MassifThe Pass of Paddra Blaze Ring 10 Bomb Cores Normal