Items of Interest: Found in The Paddraean Archaeopolis – 8 shown
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Point of Interest
Treasure Bulb of Hope Use Moogle Hunt at the back of the command center
Fragment Quest Helmwige's Nightshade (500 CP) Talk to the red orb in the main area; bring it the Picture Frame
Treasure Sealed Tablet Use Moogle Throw under the fal'Cie ramp
Treasure 'Reminiscence' Gate Seal Use Moogle Throw near to the side of the entrance ramp
Temporal Rift Hands of Time x3 (10 [1-4], 10 [1-5], 10 [2-5]) Below the fal'Cie ramp after accepting the Rossweisse Skyblossom fragment quest
Fragment Book of Shambala (500 CP) Complete the hands of time in the temporal rift
Treasure Wild Artefact Complete the hands of time in the temporal rift
Treasure Thorne's Information Talk to Uma in the command center while on the Adamantite Ring fragment quest