Attributes – 21 shown
Name Description
HP Creatures die when HP reaches 0
Defense% Determines accuracy and your chance to evade physical attacks
Dexterity Determines how often your turn comes up in battle and increases your accuracy and chance to evade physical attacks
Critical Hit Determines the chance of critical hits
Luck Determines the chance of lucky hits, lucky evasion, and critical hits
Attack% Determines the chance to hit with your weapon
Magic atk Determines the strength of magic attacks
Magic Determines the strength of magic attacks
Strength Determines the strength of physical attacks
Attack Determines the strength of physical attacks
Magic def% Determines your chance to evade magic attacks
EXP Determines your level
Level Determines your overall power level
Max HP Maximum HP amount
Max MP Maximum MP amount
Magic def Reduces the damage from magic attacks
Spirit Reduces the damage from magic attacks
Defense Reduces the damage from physical attacks
Vitality Reduces the damage from physical attacks
Limit level The current set limit break level
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