Treasures – 421 shown
The map where the treasure is found
The specifics of where this treasure can be found
The monsters guarding this treasure, which will attack when the treasure is opened
Guarded By
Adamant Armor Given in exchange for Pink Tail -
Adamant Bring the Rat Tail to the father -
Boreas West grass -
Life Chest in save point room -
Tent Southwest chest -
Silk Web Northwest chest on upper level -
Soft Northeast chest on upper level -
Ether1 Chest in save point room -
Potion Northeast chest on middle level -
Exit Chest in save point room -
Potion West chest -
Potion North chest on middle level -
Lamia Harp Chest in southwest room -
Notus Southwest chest -
Silk Web Northwest chest -
Hourglass1 North chest -
Sand Ruby Received after Antlion fight -
1,000 Gil Chest in secret area near waterway entrance -
2,000 Gil Chest in armor shop -
Baron Key Given by Yang during cutscene after fighting him -
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