Shop Items: Fortack's Database – 4 shown
The name of the item being sold; names that are not links indicate special items that are either used for assignments or have interesting effects
Item Name
The retail price of the item; note that in most shops it is possible to get a 1/6 discount on goods sold; see individual shop pages for details
In most shops it is possible to get a 1/6 discount on goods sold; this reflects the discounted price
After Discount
What you have to do for this shop to be available; you must be able to travel to a shop to buy from it, and some shops add more goods after key plot events
Assault Rifle Damage 60,000 credits 50,000 credits Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Biotic Damage 90,000 credits 75,000 credits Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Heavy Pistol Damage 60,000 credits 50,000 credits Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Shotgun Damage 60,000 credits 50,000 credits Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission