Screens: Where Red Bees can be Found – 8 shown
The map coordinates of this screen, with (1, 1) being the top left corner; the game begins at (12, 14)
An at-a-glance preview of the screen's layout
The area where this screen is found; areas are differentiated by the terrain and, usually, by the boss that resides there; however, the area does not necessarily have any mechanical impact
Enemies Cave Contents
The cost to buy whatever item or service is provided in this screen's cave
Item Cost
What you have to do to open the cave on this screen; an entry of 'Open' indicates that the cave is open upon first entering the screen
Cave Open Condition
What boss you must defeat or what item you must acquire to reach this screen; if there are additional requirements to open and/or reach the cave on this screen, those are indicated as well
Reach Condition
(10, 6) (10, 6) Graveyard of Bachular Red Bee, Red Frog Information - Open Defeat Rolick
(11, 3) (11, 3) Graveyard of Bachular Red Bee, Gray Crow Green Mea 6,000 gold Defeat 4 enemies Defeat Rolick
(12, 2) (12, 2) Graveyard of Bachular Red Bee Ramurasu's Pendant 25,000 gold Strike the skull three times Defeat Despa
Cave: Acquire Ascent Boots
(13, 3) (13, 3) Graveyard of Bachular Red Bee, Green Snake Life Potion 2,000 gold Defeat 1 enemy Defeat Rolick
(3, 5) (3, 5) Crawky Forest Red Bee Bible 10,000 gold Defeat 2 enemies Acquire Aqua Boots
(6, 8) (6, 8) Haidee's Forest Red Bee Bible 10,000 gold Defeat 2 enemies Acquire Aqua Boots
(7, 2) (7, 2) Haidee's Forest Aqua Bat, Red Bee Information - Defeat 4 enemies Acquire Aqua Boots
(7, 9) (7, 9) Haidee's Forest Red Bee Ring - Smash the rock Acquire Aqua Boots