Areas: Found in Oerba -400 AF- – 3 shown
DLC areas are only available if you have the relevant content
Time Period
Whether Chocolina can be found selling items in this area
What type of chocobo, if any, is available for riding in this area
Village Proper Oerba -400 AF- Yes Rambunctious
The Ashensand Oerba -400 AF- No Rambunctious
Deserted Schoolhouse Oerba -400 AF- No -
Fragments: Found in Oerba -400 AF- – 9 shown
Paradox ending fragments are earned by finding hidden endings in the game
The amount of CP earned after obtaining this fragment
Pink Parfait Great Mog Wisdom 1,000
Bittersweet Chiffon Great Mog Wisdom 800
Tremulous Muffin Great Mog Wisdom 800
Beloved Cinnamon Great Mog Wisdom 800
Selfish Pancake Great Mog Wisdom 800
Farewell Madeleine Great Mog Wisdom 800
Teatime Mont Blanc Great Mog Wisdom 800
Dishonest Mille-feuille Great Mog Wisdom 800
Graviton Core Zeta Graviton Core 500
Shop Items: Appearing in or Exclusive to Oerba -400 AF- – 1 shown
Name Category
This item will not be sold by Chocolina until you have reached this time period; even items exclusively sold in other time periods may require you to venture further in your quest before they become available
Trigger Time Period
Gysahl Greens Special Oerba -400 AF-
Items of Interest: Found in Oerba -400 AF- – 21 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Area Notes
Temporal Rift Tile Trial x3 Village Proper Examine the distortion east of the gate
Fragment Farewell Madeleine (800 CP) Village Proper Complete the tile trials in the distortion east of the gate
Temporal Rift Crystal Bonds x5 Village Proper Examine the distortion in the northern part of the central area
Fragment Bittersweet Chiffon (800 CP) Village Proper Complete the crystal bonds trials in the distortion in the northern part of the central area
Temporal Rift Crystal Bonds x6 Village Proper Use Moogle Hunt on the lower floor of the central building in the lower area, then examine the distortion
Fragment Dishonest Mille-feuille (800 CP) Village Proper Complete the crystal bonds trials in the hidden distortion in the building
Temporal Rift Tile Trial x2 Village Proper Examine the distortion east of the main street
Fragment Tremulous Muffin (800 CP) Village Proper Complete the tile trials in the distortion east of the main street
Treasure Platinum Casino Ticket ×2 The Ashensand At the south end of the southern area
Treasure 'Hometown' Gate Seal Village Proper Use Moogle Throw in the roots on the platform up the stairs south of the wide stairway
Temporal Rift Crystal Bonds x4 Village Proper Examine the distortion along the northern path
Fragment Selfish Pancake (800 CP) Village Proper Complete the crystal bonds trials in the distortion along the northern path
Temporal Rift Hands of Time x6 (5 [1-2], 7 [1-3], 9 [1-4], 11 [1-5], 12 [1-6], 13 [1-6]) The Ashensand Examine the distortion near the wide staircast
Fragment Pink Parfait (1,000 CP) The Ashensand Complete the hands of time trials in the distortion near the wide staircase
Fragment Graviton Core Zeta (500 CP) The Ashensand Use Moogle Hunt on the west side of the beach
Temporal Rift Hands of Time x3 (8 [1-4], 9 [1-4], 10 [1-5]) The Ashensand Examine the distortion on the edge of the water
Fragment Beloved Cinnamon (800 CP) The Ashensand Complete the hands of time trials in the distortion on the edge of the water
Treasure Platinum Casino Ticket The Ashensand Use Moogle Hunt at the shortest point of the eastern shore
Treasure Wild Chorus The Ashensand Use Moogle Hunt at the eastern end of the shore
Temporal Rift Hands of Time x3 (10 [1-5], 11 [1-5], 12 [1-5]) Deserted Schoolhouse Use Moogle Hunt at the north end of the top floor, then examine the distortion
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