Items of Interest: Found in Overgrown Forest – 9 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Treasure 960 gil Climb to the branch on the southwest path from the Lush Woodland Path
Treasure Vitality Droplet ×9 Climb to the branch on the northwest path from the Lush Woodland Path
Battle Miniflan ×3 Approach the group of Miniflan
Treasure Thundering Artefact Received after battle with Miniflan
Live Trigger Reward Response:
• Feel like a song?
Find the second artefact
Treasure Potion Appears on the path if you answered less than two live triggers
Treasure Blue Flower Appears on the path if you answered two live triggers
Treasure Pumpkin Head Appears on the path if you gave two live trigger reward responses
Fragment Extraordinary Egg (300 CP) Use Moogle Throw on the lower path