Items of Interest: Found in Assembly Area – 4 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Battle Miniflan, Blue Miniflan, Yellow Miniflan, Black Miniflan, Pink Miniflan Approach the group of miniflan after collecting the five fragments from hidden miniflan
Fragment Miniflan Fragment (2,500 CP) Defeat the colored miniflan
Treasure 'Thunderstruck' Gate Seal Defeat the colored miniflan
Fragment Graviton Core Eta (500 CP) Use Moogle Hunt on top of the hill