Items of Interest: Found in Coliseum – 9 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Treasure Map of the Coliseum Use Moogle Hunt at the top of the stairs near the gate
Treasure Masquerade Mask Use Improved Moogle Throw anywhere in the area
Treasure Pink Party Hat Use Improved Moogle Throw anywhere in the area
Treasure Potent Chip ×10 Use Moogle Throw into the space west of the main area
Treasure Power Bolt ×8 Use Moogle Throw into the space northeast of the main area
Treasure Power Chip ×6 Use Moogle Throw into the space northwest of the main area
Treasure Power Droplet ×9 Use Moogle Throw into the space north of the main area
Treasure Power Sliver ×7 Use Moogle Throw into the space north-northwest of the main area
Fragment White Hole Gem (300 CP) After the cutscene in the middle area