Abilities: Learned by Kain – 19 shown
Proactive and reactive abilities are used in different situations; character abilities are only learned by a single character; item abilities are not learned naturally by any character, but can be learned with items
The level at which this party member learns this ability; some abilities may also be taught regardless of level by using items
Type CP Subype
Some items teach an ability to the leader of the party after a successfully completed song; a party member cannot learn the same ability twice, and the item will not be used if they already have the learned ability
Learned With
Strength Up (Lv1) 1 Proactive 5 Augment -
Sacrifice (Lv1) 1 Proactive 5 Augment -
Wind Rhapsody (Lv1) 5 Proactive 5 Augment -
Focus (Lv1) 10 Reactive 4 Physical -
Brace (Lv1) 15 Reactive 3 Probability Brace Scroll I
Lance (Lv1) 20 Proactive 8 Special -
Calm 25 Reactive 6 Special -
Sacrifice (Lv2) 30 Proactive 10 Augment -
Strength Up (Lv2) 35 Proactive 10 Augment -
Wind Rhapsody (Lv2) 40 Proactive 10 Augment -
Lance (Lv2) 45 Proactive 14 Special -
Sacrifice (Lv3) 50 Proactive 16 Augment -
Strength Up (Lv3) 55 Proactive 16 Augment -
Brace (Lv2) 60 Reactive 5 Probability Brace Scroll II
Lance (Lv3) 65 Proactive 20 Special -
Focus (Lv2) 70 Reactive 9 Physical -
Brace (Lv3) 75 Reactive 7 Probability Brace Scroll III
Focus (Lv3) 80 Reactive 15 Physical -
Counter (Lv3) 85 Reactive 16 Physical -