Missions: Which start or take place in the Krogan DMZ Cluster – 5 shown
The category and name of this mission or assignment; Missions are more significant in nature than assignments; DLC missions are only available if you have installed the relevant content
Whether this is a plot mission or an optional assignment
The experience reward for completing this mission
The standard credit reward for completing this mission; different amounts of credits may be earned depending on how the mission is completed
The area or planet where this mission is initially started
What you have to do in the start area to trigger this mission
Trigger Condition
The areas involved in the completion of this mission (not including the start area, unless the mission proper takes place there)
Mission 750 15,000 credits Normandy SR-2 Complete Horizon mission and two more missions/assignments Tuchanka - Weyrloc Facility
Mission 750 15,000 credits Normandy SR-2 Complete Horizon mission and three more missions/assignments Tuchanka - Urdnot Ruins
Assignment 40 - Tuchanka - Urdnot Camp Talk to Mechanic Tuchanka - Weyrloc Facility
Assignment 40 - Tuchanka - Urdnot Camp Talk to Ratch Tuchanka - Urdnot Camp
Assignment 40 - Tuchanka - Urdnot Camp Start Old Blood mission Tuchanka - Weyrloc Facility
Systems: In the Krogan DMZ Cluster – 3 shown
Mass relay systems the arrival points for the clusters they appear in; DLC systems are only available if you have installed the relevant content
Whether there is a mass relay located in this cluster
Mass Relay
Whether there is a fuel system available for use in this system
Fuel Depot
The visitable planets and other satellites within this system; names in DLC planets are only available through downloadable content
What you have to do in order to be able to travel to this system; there may be other ways of accessing these systems beyond those listed
Aralakh Yes Yes Durak, Kanin, Kruban, Tuchanka, Ruam, Vaul Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
DranekDLC No No Kelim, Dor, Sazgoth, Rothla Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Nith No No Mantun, Tula, Vard Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Planets: In the Krogan DMZ Cluster – 13 shown
Landable planets contain areas to explore; DLC planets are only available if you have installed the relevant content
Whether this is an actual planet or some other type of orbiting body
The name of the system where this planet or satellite is located; names in DLC systems are only available through downloadable content
Whether you are able to land here for a mission, assignment, or other point of interest
Landing Site
The general quantity of resources available to be harvested on this planet
What you have to do in order to be able to travel to this planet; there may be other ways of accessing these planets beyond those listed
Dor Planet Dranek No Moderate Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Durak Planet Aralakh No Rich Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Kanin Planet Aralakh No Moderate Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Kelim Planet Dranek No Moderate Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Kruban Planet Aralakh No Rich Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Mantun Planet Nith No Rich Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Rothla Planet Dranek No Rich Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Ruam Planet Aralakh No Poor Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Sazgoth Planet Dranek No Rich Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Tuchanka Planet Aralakh No - Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Tula Planet Nith No Poor Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Vard Planet Nith No Moderate Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission
Vaul Planet Aralakh No Moderate Start Old Blood or Rite of Passage mission