Items of Interest: Found in Lamentable Rest – 5 shown
What type of item of interest this is; the data displayed in the 'Point of Interest' column depends on the type
Details on this particular item of interest; certain types have special information; live triggers will provide the (humorous) responses that allow you to earn special live trigger rewards; cinematic actions will display the button commands entered for that action
Point of Interest
Treasure Lucky Clover After finding the Giant's Artefact, if you answered five live triggers
Treasure Potion After finding the Giant's Artefact, if you answered less than five live triggers
Treasure Chocobo Figurine After finding the Giant's Artefact, if you gave four live trigger reward responses
Fragment Quest Anima Miseria (200 CP) Talk to the man in the graveyard after obtaining the Ghast Fragment and Unio Mystica; bring him a Silver Petal
Treasure Eclipse Artefact Use Moogle Hunt where Mog indicates after the cutscene