Average Encounter
Rank 6.0, 4,671 gil
Jade Passage
3,000 G
Protect Ring
Monsters Encountered
Abyss Worm, Chimera Sphinx, Great Malboro, Green Dragon, Ice Lizard, Killer Mantis, Mega Parasite, Pit Fiend, Scissorjaws, Vampire Lady
This is the simplest floor yet, a thin passage winding around what appears to be a large chasm. All three chests are right on the path. The first and last are simple Hi-Potions, but the middle contains a Protect Ring that offers nice arm defense with no magic penalty, as well as resistance to Death and a lot of magic defense. You can augment an evasion-based fighter's defense with it, but it may be better off given to someone who could use the magic protection, such as your white mage (or any mage without a Ribbon).