Enemies: Found in Eureka Forest 3 – 7 shown
Rare enemies appear infrequently in certain battlegrounds; bosses always appear in certain battlegrounds and must be defeated to continue; final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plotline or any premium plotlines
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more gil than is listed here
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more experience than is listed here; all monsters in premium areas yield experience scaled to your level
Killer Mantis 54 FFVI 1,410 160 Blood Sword
Kum Kum 56 FFIII 2,370 310 Kagenui
Dhorme Chimera 57 FFV 2,820 330 Tiger Fangs
Sand Worm 58 FFIV 2,190 280 Kiku-ichimonji
Malboro 59 FFVI 2,670 340 Partisan
Behemoth King 60 FFVI 23,040 1,730 Duel Claws
Siegfried 62 FFVI 59,910 3,120 Ragnarok