Techs: Required for Line Bomb – 2 shown
Name Character
The element of the tech's damage; all techs are either magical and deal elemental damage, or deal physical damage like a standard attack
The status effects granted, inflicted, or removed by this tech
Whether the tech targets allies or enemies, and its area of effect; Area target techs hit the chosen enemy and any other enemies in its vicinity; Nearby target techs work like Area target techs, except the effect is centered on the tech user; Line target techs hit the chosen enemy, every enemy on a line between the tech user and that enemy, and in some cases any enemies on that line past the chosen target; Horizontal target techs hit the chosen enemy and any other enemies at the same level of the screen horizontally
The amount of TP required to learn this tech; this amount is only counted once the character has learned the previous tech in sequence; Known techs are already available when the character joins your party; Taught techs are gained when the character first meets Spekkio
Leap Slash Frog 4 Physical - Single Enemy Leap-slash an enemy 250
Mega Bomb Lucca 15 Fire - Area Damage enemies in bomb area 600