Average Encounter
Rank 6.0, 3,700 gil
20,000 G
Diamond Armor, Defender
Monsters Encountered
Captain, Devil's Bloom, Eyemoeba, Gottos, Lamia, Malboro Terra, Royal Guard, Wizard, Wood Golem
This floor is almost entirely dedicated to Treasure, with the main path being limited to a short hall on the east side. The damage floors lead to stairs up, but all you will find on the top floor are trap rooms—the last Treasures are actually on this floor. The Defender is slightly to the south. This is not only a powerful sword, it has an amazing 8 evasion. Used with a shield, it will take any skilled warrior's evasion to its maximum value, and it can even be used as a shield for anyone who doesn't have much shield skill. The Diamond Armor, the first heavy Armor with more defense than the Black Garb, can be found by following the southern path west. It is guarded by a General or two, though. Their 10 nasty attacks will threaten a Character even with high evasion. A surprise attack by two of them could take down a weakened front line immediately, leading to a party wipe.