Items: Found in Alefgard Outer Cantlin – 1 shown
Rare items cannot be purchased, and must be found; quest items are vitally important to completing the game; cursed items are valuable if sold, but will become worthless and inflict a curse if used
Magic Keys are sold at prices higher than that listed in some locations
The number of these items that can be stored in a single item slot; you cannot have more than one stack of a given item type; items with no stack size each take up an item slot, but you can carry more than one of each at a time
Stack Size
The towns where this item can be purchased, or the locations where it can be found if it cannot be purchased
Erdrick's Token Proves that you are a descendant of Erdrick - - - Alefgard
Monsters: Encountered in Alefgard Outer Cantlin – 5 shown
Minibosses are monsters that appear as bosses, but appear later as regular monsters; bosses only appear in set battles; the final boss must be defeated to complete the game
Monsters start combat with a randomized HP total in this range
Monsters drop a randomized amount of GOLD in this range
Monsters will not use special abilities if the situation does not warrant it; they will not use Sleep or Stopspell if they are already in effect, and will not use Heal or Healmore unless they are at 1/4 HP or below
Special Ability
If it makes sense for a monster to use its special ability, this is the chance it will choose to do so on its turn
S.Ab. Rate
Special Attack
A monster with both a special ability and a special attack will only use the special attack if it chooses not to use its special ability, so depending on the situation the actual chance of them using this attack may be lower than this value
S.Att. Rate
Strength determines the attack power of a monster's normal attacks
Agility determines the defense power of a monster
The monster may evade normal attacks at this rate
The monster will fully resist Sleep spells at this rate; all monsters have an equal 1/3 chance to wake from Sleep each turn after it has been inflicted
Resist Sleep
The monster will fully resist Stopspell spells at this rate; once this spell succeeds, it does not wear off; note that monsters with no Spells to stop typically have very high resistance to Stopspell
Resist Stopspell
The monster will not take damage from Hurt and Hurtmore spells at this rate; if the spells work, they will deal full damage
Resist Hurt
This value indicates the Agility the hero must have to have a 50% chance of successfully running on a given turn; the wider the gap between this value and the hero's Agility, the more or less likely a run attempt is to succeed
Run Difficulty
Demon Knight 38–50 37 112–149 G - - - - 79 64 15/64 15/16 15/16 15/16 24
Werewolf 46–60 40 116–154 G - - - - 86 70 7/64 7/16 15/16 0 27
Magiwyvern 44–58 34 105–139 G SLEEP 2/4 - - 78 68 2/64 2/16 0 0 26
Starwyvern 49–65 43 120–159 G HEALMORE 3/4 Breathe Fire 1/4 86 80 2/64 8/16 0 1/16 40
Knight 42–55 33 97–129 G STOPSPELL 2/4 - - 76 78 1/64 6/16 7/16 0 30
Encounter Groups: In Alefgard Outer Cantlin – 1 shown
Every set of encounters includes five monsters, though some may appear more than once; each encounter will be with one of these chosen at random
The average amount of GOLD won from an encounter in this area, assuming victory in every fight
The average amount of experience won from an encounter in this area, assuming victory in every fight
Avg. Experience
The dungeon floors where these encounters can be found
Dungeon Floors
Knight, Magiwyvern, Demon Knight, Werewolf, Starwyvern 128.0 G 37.4 Alefgard Outer Cantlin, Alefgard Isle of the Dragon
Treasures: Found in Alefgard Outer Cantlin – 1 shown
Item Type Details Notes
Erdrick's Token Search Search when Gwaelin's Love reports 70N, 40W -