Maps: In Taejin's Tower – 10 shown
The location where this map is found
The chapter in which this map is visited
The number of save points found on this map
Save Points
The number of treasures to find on this map
Taejin's Tower The Palisades 11 1 1
Taejin's Tower The Tyrant's Gate 11 - -
Taejin's Tower Ground Tier 11 1 3
Taejin's Tower Second Tier 11 1 1
Taejin's Tower Third Tier 11 - 2
Taejin's Tower Fourth Tier 11 1 3
Taejin's Tower Fifth Tier 11 - 2
Taejin's Tower Sixth Tier 11 2 4
Taejin's Tower The Cloven Spire 11 1 2
Taejin's Tower Seventh Tier 11 - 1