Shop Goods: Pet Pals Vol.6 – 1 shown
The name of the shop where this item is sold
The cost to buy this item in this shop, if it is available for sale; these values apply if you do not have the Haggle menu ability
The cost to buy this item in this shop if you have the Haggle menu ability and it is available for sale
Whether the Familiar menu ability is required to purchase this item from this shop
Esthar Pet Shop 1,000 gil 750 gil -
Limit Breaks: Which require Pet Pals Vol.6 – 1 shown
The character that can learn and use this limit break
Whether this limit break deals physical or magic damage; physical damage is defended with the defense stat and Protect status, while magic damage is defended with the spirit stat and Shell status; only physical attacks can have critical hits
The element of this limit break's damage
The status effect inflicted or removed by this limit break; hover over a "Multiple" status row to see the specific status list;some limit breaks will only inflict certain statuses depending on how severe the character's situation is when using them
Wishing Star Rinoa Magic - -