Gear: Dropped in Zanarkand Ruins 4 – 6 shown
Advanced gear is particularly powerful; exceptional gear is among the most powerful of its type; character-specific gear is only used by certain premium unique characters
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Some premium gear affects only a single character instead of all characters that use a certain type of gear
Attack Dropped By
Dancing Dagger 6 FFIV Dagger +4 Grenade
Defender 27 FFI Greatsword +5 Iron Giant
Partisan 73 FFV Spear +5 Malboro
Judicer's Staff ✩ 14 FFV Staff +8 Dark Flan
Murasame ✩ 22 FFIV Katana +8 YAT-99
Masamune ✩ 23 FFX Katana +10 YAT-97