Enemies: Found in Outskirts of Midgar 5 – 8 shown
Rare enemies appear infrequently in certain battlegrounds; bosses always appear in certain battlegrounds and must be defeated to continue; final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plotline or any premium plotlines
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more gil than is listed here
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more experience than is listed here; all monsters in premium areas yield experience scaled to your level
Dhorme Chimera 57 FFV 2,820 330 Tiger Fangs
Behemoth 68 FFVI 7,320 950 Dragon Claws
Armor Construct 69 FFIV 4,980 640 Light Axe
Omega 71 FFV 190,800 6,360 Ulysses
SOLDIER 2nd Class ✩ 5 FFVII 960 Scaled Butterfly Edge
Corvette ✩ 6 FFVII 1,080 Scaled Nail Bat
Master Tonberry ✩ 7 FFVII 1,380 Scaled Limited Moon
SOLDIER 1st Class ✩ 8 FFVII 1,230 Scaled Apocalypse