Location Floors: In Garinham – 5 shown
Every set of encounters includes five monsters, though some may appear more than once; each encounter will be with one of these chosen at random
Inn Price Locked Doors
This includes one-time treasures and is not limited to treasure boxes
1F - 25 G 2 10–17 GOLD, Torch, Herb
B1 Poltergeist, Droll, Drakeema, Skeleton, Warlock - 1 6–13 GOLD, 5–20 GOLD, Herb
B2 Skeleton, Warlock, Metal Scorpion, Wolf × 2 - - -
B3 Specter, Wolflord, Druinlord, Drollmagi, Wraith Knight - - Cursed Belt, Silver Harp
B4 Specter, Wolflord, Druinlord, Drollmagi, Wraith Knight - - -