ProfiCard Bylines – 128 shown
Number Left Middle
The amount of Rhythmia required to unlock these byline options; the first 41 lines of byline options are unlocked from the start
104 Fatefully adored queen 85,500 rm
43 Innocently aged Turk 17,000 rm
85 Shakily aloof perfect ear 73,500 rm
58 Doomed, apocalyptic Seiryu 52,000 rm
57 Wandering, artificial Byakko 52,000 rm
38 Judgmental, backstreet Knight -
27 Refreshingly befuddled Time Mage -
46 Determinedly beloved guard 19,000 rm
15 Dizzyingly betrayed Bard -
94 Rewardingly blank faced composer 79,500 rm
5 Pivotally blinding Black Mage -
29 Weary, blooming Blue Mage -
125 Genuinely boisterous drudge 98,500 rm
98 Snickering, bouncy captain 82,000 rm
124 Unimaginably capricious retiree 98,500 rm
106 Absolutely captive clown 88,000 rm
55 Infuriatingly cheeky dwarf 50,000 rm
81 Depravedly clockwork diva 71,500 rm
88 Undeniably cognizant soloist 76,000 rm
36 Greedily critical Corsair -
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