Average Encounter
Rank 5.9, 3,738 gil
World Map
Monsters Encountered
Death Flower, Imperial Shadow, Malboro Terra, Sand Worm, Scissorjaws
The only reason you'd be likely to have to fight these encounters would be if you enter Castle Palamecia and immediately Teleport out, in which case you need to walk back to Fynn to find your airship. The Scissorjaws are no big threat, but the Sand Worms' Earthquake 10 can drain your party's HP quickly. Death Flowers can be dealt with by Fire and Malboros Terra by Thunder and Scourge. The rare Imperial Shadow is a boss-like foe that loves to inflict Curse and cast Death. It is Undead, but is not vulnerable to Fire (though it resists every other Element, so Fire is still the best Elemental Spell to use, though Flare and Holy are better). It has 3,000 HP, but isn't vulnerable to the Blood Sword (because it is Undead). Your best bet is an all-out assault using the most powerful attacks you have, including Berserk to augment physical attacks and Esuna to cure Curse.