Characters: Which Use Brotherhood – 11 shown
Premium generic characters must be purchased, and multiples can appear in a single battle; premium unique characters are also purchased, but you will only ever have one of each in your party during an encounter
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Game Unlock Level
Your party will never feature more than one of the same unique character at a time
Warrior 1 FFI 1 No Attack
Red Mage 11 FFV 36 No Dualcast
Blue Mage 12 FFV 14 No Missile
Onion Knight 25 FFIII 70 No Attack
Firion ✩ 1 FFII - Yes Glow Attack
Terra ✩ 7 FFVI - Yes Riot Blade
Celes ✩ 9 FFVI - Yes Spinning Edge
Zidane ✩ 18 FFIX - Yes Thievery
Tidus ✩ 21 FFX - Yes Energy Rain
Ashe ✩ 26 FFXII - Yes Northswain's Glow
Lightning ✩ 28 FFXIII - Yes Lightning Strike