Characters: From FFI – 5 shown
Premium generic characters must be purchased, and multiples can appear in a single battle; premium unique characters are also purchased, but you will only ever have one of each in your party during an encounter
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Unlock Level
Your party will never feature more than one of the same unique character at a time
Weapon Type
Monk 4 8 No Claws Iron Fist
Thief 5 10 No Dagger Back Attack
Knight 2 12 No Greatsword Critical
Ninja 19 30 No Katana Shuriken
Warrior 1 1 No Sword Attack
Enemies: From FFI – 7 shown
Rare enemies appear infrequently in certain battlegrounds; bosses always appear in certain battlegrounds and must be defeated to continue; final bosses must be defeated to complete the main plotline or any premium plotlines
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more gil than is listed here
Normal monsters in the Interdimensional Rift yield substantially more experience than is listed here; all monsters in premium areas yield experience scaled to your level
Garland 8 210 10 Enhancer
Chaos 9 420 30 Bastard Sword
Crazy Horse 20 210 10 Claymore
Lich 87 10,800 5,660 Radiant Lance
Marilith 88 12,960 5,660 Butterfly Sword
Kraken 89 15,120 5,660 Nanatsusayanotachi
Tiamat 90 17,280 6,330 Wyvern Lance
Gear: From FFI – 12 shown
Advanced gear is particularly powerful; exceptional gear is among the most powerful of its type; character-specific gear is only used by certain premium unique characters
Numbers with a ✩ next to them indicate premium content
Some premium gear affects only a single character instead of all characters that use a certain type of gear
Attack Dropped By
Mythril Knife 1 Dagger +1 Goblin
Rapier 10 Sword +1 Flan
Mythril Sword 11 Sword +1 Objet d'Art
Coral Sword 12 Sword +2 Adamantoise
Sun Blade 15 Sword +4 Ahriman
Ice Brand 23 Greatsword +2 Frostbeast
Defender 27 Greatsword +5 Iron Giant
Rune Blade 28 Greatsword +4 Golbez
Healing Staff 39 Staff +1 Nut Eater
Mage's Staff 40 Staff +1 Triffid
Great Axe 85 Axe +9 Gigantos
Light Axe 86 Axe +10 Armor Construct