ProfiCard Bylines – 128 shown
Number Left Middle Right
The amount of Rhythmia required to unlock these byline options; the first 41 lines of byline options are unlocked from the start
2 Epitome of a mischievous Warrior -
20 Gloomily one-winged Summoner -
19 Chillingly green Magus -
18 Savagely inexperienced Devout -
17 Damnably decisive Evoker -
16 Blessedly ill-bred Blackbelt -
15 Dizzyingly betrayed Bard -
14 Bracingly early bird Dark Knight -
13 Seasonably natural Viking -
12 Colorfully damaged Dragoon -
11 Friendly and perfect Geomancer -
10 Deep, timid Scholar -
9 Increasingly fated Thief -
8 Worryingly glorious Paladin -
7 Hasty and precise Ranger -
6 Gallantly deceptive Red Mage -
5 Pivotally blinding Black Mage -
4 Proudly dreamy White Mage -
3 Endlessly hospitable Monk -
1 Newly final Freelancer -
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